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Top Tier Jarvan IV Jungle Paths in Season 12 – Unveiling High Elo Strategies

Given how much League of Legends has changed over 12 seasons, players have become familiar with the game’s consistent meta and balance changes. However, certain champions have remained strong throughout the seasons, and one notable pick is Jarvan IV, The Exemplar of Demacia. Jarvan IV excels in the jungle role, thanks to his kit that allows for easy ganks with his one-combo engage. In this guide, we will cover the basics of playing Jarvan IV and focus on the most effective jungle routes and clearing strategies. Stay tuned for more!

**Table of Contents**
– Summoner Spells
– The Best Jarvan IV Runes
– The Best Jarvan IV Items
– The Best Skill Order for Jarvan IV
– The Best Jungle Paths for Jarvan IV
– Red Side, Red Clear
– Red Side, Blue Clear
– Blue Side, Blue Clear
– Blue Side, Red Clear
– The Best Tips and Tricks for Jarvan IV
– Finalizing Thoughts

**Summoner Spells**

As a high-mobility champion, Jarvan IV can theoretically substitute Flash for another Summoner Spell. However, we recommend sticking to the standard option of running Flash because it can help set up perfect ultimates.

**The Best Jarvan IV Runes**

For optimal play, go for a bruiser play style with Jarvan IV, similar to champions such as Lee Sin, Vi, or Trundle. The best Keystone is Conqueror, followed by Triumph, Legend: Alacrity or Tenacity, and Coup de Grace or Last Stand. Sudden Impact and Relentless or Ultimate Hunter are standard choices for secondary runes, but Bone Plating and Overgrowth are also viable for a tanky approach.

**The Best Jarvan IV Items**

Starting items: Emberknife + Refillable Potion.
Mythic item: Goredrinker or Sunfire Aegis.
Core items: Defensive Boots, Black Cleaver, Sterak’s Gage or Maw of Malmortius, and Guardian Angel.
Finishing options: Randuin’s Omen, Spirit Visage, Dead Man’s Plate, Warmog’s Armor.

The first big decision in terms of items is your Mythic choice. Goredrinker is the most popular option as it synergizes well with Jarvan IV’s ultimate ability. However, if the enemy team has mostly ranged carries, Sunfire Aegis might be a safer option. The other items listed provide a good mix of damage and resistance, and players should choose based on the enemy team’s composition.

**The Best Skill Order for Jarvan IV**

Start with E at level 1 for the bonus attack speed stats provided by both its passive and active effects. Take Q second for the damage. The ideal skill order is Q > E > W > R.

**The Best Jungle Paths for Jarvan IV**

Jarvan IV excels in early game ganks, so it’s important to prioritize effective ganks and not fall behind in gold. Consider factors such as which lanes can provide more help in clearing the first camp, counter-jungle opportunities, and which lane you want to gank first. Aim to reach level 3 for an additional slow before ganking.

– Red Side, Red Clear: Start with Red Buff, then clear Raptor camp, followed by Wolf camp, and finish with Blue Buff.
– Red Side, Blue Clear: Start with Blue Buff, then clear Gromp, followed by Wolves and Raptors. Finish with Red Buff.
– Blue Side, Blue Clear: Start with Blue Buff, then clear Gromp, followed by Wolves and Raptors. Finish with Red Buff.
– Blue Side, Red Clear: Start with Red Buff, then clear Raptors, followed by Wolves. Finish with Blue Buff.

**The Best Tips and Tricks for Jarvan IV**

– Jarvan IV’s early game focuses on quick and effective ganks.
– Use E to gain vision in fog of war areas.
– Delay using W until after the E + Q combo to avoid overlapping the slow.
– Force enemies into narrow corridors for large-scale engages.
– Build Guardian Angel for survivability in extended fights.

In conclusion, Jarvan IV is a strong and consistent jungler in League of Legends. Focus on early game ganks and effective engages, while building items that provide damage and resistance. Good luck on the Rift!