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Strategies for Facing BOTRK Champions in the Lane

Rundown of Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King, also known as BOTRK, is a powerful and popular item in League of Legends. It is primarily used by AD Champions who rely on quick successive attacks. This item provides bonus physical damage, attack speed, and lifesteal. Its unique passive, Mist’s Edge, deals bonus damage based on the target’s current HP, while its Siphon passive grants bonus magic damage, slows the target, and provides bonus movement speed. BOTRK is gold efficient and highly effective in both the early and late game phases, making it a common choice among many Champions.

Laning Against BOTRK Champions

Laning against Champions that rush and build BOTRK can be challenging, but there are effective strategies you can employ. The key is to focus on healing, shields, armor, and grievous wounds. Champions with strong healing abilities or sustain, such as Garen or Warwick, can be good picks against BOTRK Champions. Shields and high armor can also help mitigate their damage. Building armor is especially effective in countering the physical damage from BOTRK. Additionally, applying grievous wounds can reduce their healing capabilities. It’s important to remember these strategies and adapt your playstyle accordingly.

Recommended Items Against BOTRK Champions

When facing BOTRK Champions, there are specific items that can be effective in countering them. For bruisers and tanks, items like Warden’s Mail, Frozen Heart, Chain Vest, Bramble Vest, and Thornmail are recommended. These items provide armor, damage reduction, and grievous wounds, effectively nullifying the impact of BOTRK. AP Mages can consider Seeker’s Armguard, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Archangel’s Staff/Seraph’s Embrace for armor, ability power, and shielding. It’s important to choose items that suit your Champion’s playstyle and build while addressing the threat of BOTRK.

Most Common BOTRK Champions

Understanding how to counter specific BOTRK Champions can give you an advantage in lane. Twitch, a powerful ADC, often builds BOTRK and can be countered by picking tankier supports and champions who can stop his ranged attacks. Vayne, a top lane marksman, relies on BOTRK for damage and can be countered by stacking armor and health, as well as picking champions who can pin her down. Akshan, often seen in mid or top lane, excels with BOTRK due to his passive double-shot, but can be countered by AP Mages who can withstand his burst damage. Knowing the weaknesses of these Champions can help you devise effective strategies to win your lane.

Author’s Take on the Blade of the Ruined King

As an experienced player who has been playing League of Legends for over a decade, I can say that Blade of the Ruined King is a strong item but not as overpowered as some perceive it to be. It has been a staple item for many Champions throughout the years and has remained relevant with each update. While it provides early game bonuses, it can be easily countered by building proper defenses. As players stack HP, armor, and magic resist, the impact of BOTRK diminishes. It is a nostalgic item that adds variety to the game, but it is not unbeatable if countered correctly.


In conclusion, understanding how to effectively lane against BOTRK Champions is crucial for success in League of Legends. Focusing on healing, shields, armor, and grievous wounds, and choosing the right items can greatly improve your chances of winning lane against these Champions. By countering their strengths and exploiting their weaknesses, you can come out on top. Stay safe and good luck on the Summoner’s Rift!