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Top 7 Champions for Effective Harassment in League of Legends

League of Legends offers a wide variety of champions to choose from, with over 150 different characters. These champions are divided into categories such as fighters, tanks, supports, assassins, mages, and more. However, there is a group of champions that often goes unnoticed – poke champions.

Poke champions are those who specialize in dealing significant damage to enemies from a safe distance before engaging in a fight. These champions rely on skill shots to poke their opponents, as it would be unfair if they could attack from afar with no chance for their enemies to dodge.

There are many champions in the game with ranged abilities that can deal poke damage. For example, Lux, Janna, Soraka, Viktor, and others have abilities that serve as poke damage. In the laning phase, any damaging ability that can harm your lane opponent without committing to an all-in can be considered poke or harass.

But in this article, we will focus on champions specifically designed for poke damage – the dedicated long-range attackers. Let’s take a look at some of the hand-picked poke champions in the world of League.

1. Karma

Karma is a versatile champion who can be played in almost any lane, but she is predominantly played as a support mage. Her greatest strength lies in her early game poking ability. To be an effective poke support, focus your damaging abilities on the enemy carry and protect your teammates from any incoming threats. Building AP items early will help maintain high poke damage.

2. Teemo

Teemo is a champion known for terrorizing and dominating the top lane. He can annoy his opponents with his blind and deadly mushrooms. As a poke champion, play aggressively from the beginning and use ranged auto attacks to poke your opponents. His mushrooms provide vision and serve as traps that deal damage to enemies. Use his bursts of movement speed and invisibility to your advantage.

3. Neeko

Neeko can disguise herself as a low-health teammate and catch unsuspecting enemies off guard. With lots of AoE crowd control and damage, she excels at poke damage. Master her passive ability for the element of surprise. Her E ability is great for rooting targets, and her Q ability deals additional damage. Her ultimate is a powerful ability that provides a shield, massive damage, and a long stun.

4. Vel’Koz

Vel’Koz is a terrifying artillery mage who excels at poke damage. His Q ability allows him to charge a powerful blast attack, increasing its range and damage. His W ability provides crowd control and slows enemies. His E ability can stun enemies, and his ultimate ability deals true damage. Vel’Koz is a mid-lane champion with high poke damage and crowd control.

5. Lux

Lux is a mage support who can deal significant poke damage and provide crowd control for her team. Use her abilities to protect and zone out enemies, while dealing poke damage from a safe distance. Her Q ability is a stun, her E ability provides strong slows and vision, and her ultimate ability deals high damage. Lux is a strong poke champion with utility and shielding abilities.

6. Xerath

Xerath is an artillery mage known for his long-range poke damage. His Q ability charges up a powerful blast, increasing its range and damage. His W ability provides crowd control and slows enemies. Xerath’s E ability is a stun, and his ultimate ability deals damage over a large area. Xerath is a mid-lane champion that excels at poke damage and crowd control.

7. Caitlyn

Caitlyn is an ADC champion who specializes in long-range poke damage. With her extended auto-attack range, she can safely poke her opponents and demolish turrets. Her Q ability provides significant poke damage, and her traps can trap enemies and increase her damage. Her ultimate ability allows her to finish off enemies. Caitlyn is a strong poke champion with long-range attacks and crowd control.

These hand-picked poke champions are excellent choices if you enjoy dealing damage from a safe distance. They offer various playstyles and can be played in different lanes. Master their abilities, focus on poke damage, and you’ll become a formidable force in League of Legends.