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Riot aims to shift LoL supports towards utility, reducing their damage potential

League of Legends Support Champions to Focus on Utility in Patch 14.7

In the latest update from Riot Games, support champions in League of Legends will see a decrease in their overall damage output in Patch 14.7. The aim is to center these champions around utility roles, making them more focused on providing support rather than dealing high damage on the battlefield.

Adjustments Made to Multiple Champions

Matt Leung-Harrison, the lead gameplay designer of League, has confirmed that Riot Games is making adjustments to several support champions. Nami, Nunu, Karma, Sona, and Camille are among the champions that will receive changes. Most of these adjustments will increase their utility output while reducing their damage potential. The goal is to create a better balance between support champions and high-damage dealers.

Camille’s Transition to Support Role

Camille, originally designed for the top lane, has recently found a place in the support role. This champion synergizes well with AD carries, helping to lock down enemies and dish out damage. Camille’s ultimate ability, combined with the legendary support item Bloodsong, has been particularly effective. However, the Bloodsong item has also been nerfed in Patch 14.7 to maintain balance.

Changes Coming for Camille’s Kit

Riot Games has acknowledged the increasing presence of Camille in the support role, which has led them to make changes to her kit. While the support role is considered “viable sometimes,” it should not overshadow her primary role as a top laner. The developers aim to make adjustments that maintain the champion’s versatility while ensuring she remains balanced.

Additionally, the developers have decided not to include Janna in the list of Patch 14.7 nerfs. This decision is based on previous nerfs and adjustments made to the champion, such as Zaz’Zak’s and Mandate. However, they will continue to monitor Janna’s performance and re-evaluate if necessary.

Overall, these changes reflect Riot Games’ commitment to creating a more balanced and diverse gameplay experience in the support role for League of Legends.