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Mastering Mid-Game Farming Techniques for Success

The Importance of Farming in the Mid-Game

The mid-game is a crucial period for continuous gold gathering. It allows you to build items faster and stay on par with your enemies. It also determines your ability to fight and contribute to team objectives.

How to Farm Successfully in the Mid-Game?

To farm successfully in the mid-game, you can employ the push-roam-catch tactic. Push the minion wave under safety measures, roam to clear enemy vision or jungle camps, and then return to catch the pushing enemy minions. Clearing jungle camps helps set back the enemy jungler and accelerates your comeback. Additionally, setting up traps for enemies who try to contest your farm can lead to unexpected kills and gold income.


Farming in the mid-game is crucial for maintaining gold income and accelerating itemization. Whether you need to catch up or maintain a lead, proper farming and strategic lane pushes can greatly impact your success. ADCs and Mid-laners should prioritize farming in the mid/late game due to their high damage potential and itemization needs.