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Who were the original 40 champions in League of Legends?

League of Legends, a popular esports game, was released on October 27, 2009, with an initial roster of 40 champions. Over time, some of these champions have undergone complete reworks and updates to their visuals and abilities. In this article, we will explore these 40 champions, along with their reworks and relevant changes made to them.

1. Alistar: Alistar, originally called “Minotaur,” has had updates to his visual design and skill icons to align with the game’s current aesthetics.

2. Annie: Annie, one of the first six champions, has received upgrades to her spell effects and overall design.

3. Ashe: Ashe has undergone several reworks, including changes to her W ability, which can now be blocked by minions. Her Q ability has also been modified.

4. Fiddlesticks: Fiddlesticks received a complete overhaul, with changes to his design, voice lines, and abilities.

5. Jax: Jax’s abilities remain the same, but his attack animation and skill icons have been updated.

6. Kayle: Kayle underwent a complete overhaul, transforming into an angelic warrior with evolving looks as she levels up her ultimate.

7. Master Yi: Master Yi has transitioned from being an AP-based mage champion to a pure AD champion with powerful basic attacks and a devastating Q ability.

8. Morgana: Morgana has undergone visual updates to improve her design and spell effects.

9. Nunu & Willump: Nunu received a rework that improved his overall kit and made him a strong jungle champion.

10. Ryze: Ryze has undergone multiple reworks in an attempt to balance his abilities, with varying degrees of success.

11. Sion: Sion received a complete rework, becoming a tank champion with scaling abilities.

12. Sivir: Sivir’s design has been updated, but her abilities remain the same.

13. Soraka: Soraka received a significant visual update, making her one of the most loved champions in the game.

14. Teemo: Teemo’s spells and skill icons have been updated, and he now has a devil-themed skin.

15. Tristana: Tristana’s abilities have undergone changes, including a rework of her third skill into a bomb that can be stacked.

16. Twisted Fate: Twisted Fate’s abilities remain the same, but the visual effects of his spells have been updated.

17. Warwick: Warwick received a complete overhaul, including changes to his design, voice lines, and abilities.

18. Singed: Singed is expected to receive updates to his kit and design in the future.

19. Zilean: Zilean’s abilities remain the same, but his design has yet to be updated.

20. Evelynn: Evelynn received a complete rework, transforming into a seductive-looking champion with updated abilities.

21-40: The remaining champions on the list have received various updates and changes to their abilities and visual effects.

These champions have played a significant role in shaping the League of Legends universe and have become iconic figures in the game. As the game continues to evolve, Riot Games remains committed to updating and improving these champions to ensure a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience.