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Understanding Magic Penetration: A Comprehensive Insight into its Mechanism and Effects

Welcome to another guide on the popular game League of Legends! Today, we’re going to talk about Magic Penetration, an important concept in the game that many players may not fully understand. So, let’s jump right into the guide!

What is Magic Penetration in League of Legends?

Magic Penetration is a stat that affects how much magic resistance an enemy champion ignores when taking magic damage. It’s important to note that flat magic penetration and percentage magic penetration only have an effect if the enemy champion has more than zero magic resistance.

Magic Penetration can be increased through runes, items, and certain champion abilities. It is calculated as a percentage of the enemy champion’s magic resistance and can decrease their overall resistance. Percentage magic penetration is more effective against champions with higher magic resistance.

How to Increase Flat Magic Penetration

You can increase flat magic penetration through runes, champion abilities, and specific items. Here are some items that can increase your flat magic penetration:

– Eye of Luden
– Hextech Rocketbelt
– Luden’s Tempest
– Sorcerer’s Shoes
– Upgraded Aeropack

Additionally, certain item passives and the rune Sudden Impact also provide flat magic penetration.

How to Increase Percent Magic Penetration

Percent magic penetration is also essential in dealing more damage to enemies with high magic resistance. Here are some items and abilities that can increase percent magic penetration:

– Blighting Jewel
– Void Staff
– Divine Sunderer (Deicide) (item passive)
– Death’s Grasp (Mordekaiser’s ability)

How to Reduce Magic Resistance

If you want to reduce an enemy champion’s magic resistance, you can use champion abilities or specific items. Here are some examples:

– Percentage Reduction:
– Allure (Evelynn’s ability)
– Transform Mercury Cannon (Jayce’s ability)
– Wall of Pain (Karthus’s ability)
– Radiant Blast (Kayle’s ability)
– Caustic Spittle (Kog’Maw’s ability)
– Realm of Death (Mordekaiser’s ability)
– Break the Mold (Rell’s ability)
– Electro Harpoon (Rumble’s ability)
– Subjugate (Trundle’s ability)

– Flat Reduction:
– Gatling Gun (Corki’s ability)
– Break the Mold (Rell’s ability)

– Items:
– Abyssal Mask
– Voracious Corrosion (Baron Nashor)

Understanding how magic penetration and magic resistance reduction work can greatly improve your gameplay. Be sure to experiment with different items, runes, and abilities to find the best combination for your champion!

That’s all for this guide on Magic Penetration in League of Legends. Good luck in your games!