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The Transformation of the Controller Meta: Exploring VALORANT’s Latest Map Sunset

Sunset: A Paradise for Controller Mains in VALORANT

Every time I encounter the map Sunset in a VALORANT Competitive queue, I hear players demanding someone to dodge. But as a controller main, I find this hate rather strange. Sunset is not only visually stunning, but it also caters to the playstyle of controllers.

Compared to other maps like Lotus and Pearl, which are not easy for “smokers” (controllers), Sunset offers distinct chokepoints and plenty of opportunities for creative gameplay. It’s a breath of fresh air for controller mains like me who have been waiting for a map that truly supports a solo controller composition.

While double-controller setups are not very popular in the ranked meta, Sunset provides a relief for solo controllers who are usually forced to be the team’s only true support agent. Here, all five of VALORANT’s controller agents are viable, even as solo controllers on a team.

Effectively Using Controllers on Sunset

Let’s dive into some strategy for using controllers on specific sites and areas of Sunset:

Sunset B Site on Attack

If you’re an attacking Omen looking to push through B Main, you can use your smoke to cover B Market’s exit, but be aware that enemies can still climb the boxes and have a clear view of your head. To counter this, you can try deploying the smoke on the boxes to create a one-way smoke that allows you to pick off enemies from spawn. Another option is to smoke the choking lane on the site and take control from the platform on the right.

Sunset Mid on Attack

To gain control of the mid-section as an attacking Omen, smoke Mid Top. But be cautious not to smoke Bomb Door too close to Mid Courtyard, as it may give the enemy an opportunity to push through with their own utility.

Sunset A Site on Attack

For A Site, it’s essential to smoke A Link’s platform and A Elbow’s opening toward the site. Make sure to deploy the smokes carefully to avoid leaving gaps. Another option is to send teammates to take control of Elbow and smoke A Alley instead.

Sunset on Defense

On defense, you can use Omen’s smokes to create one-way angles in A Main and Mid to gain an advantage. Viper, on the other hand, requires more team coordination and creativity but can be effective with the right Poison Cloud lineups.

The Best Way to Play Controllers on Sunset

As a controller main, focus on denying information with vision blockers and providing support to your team with secondary utilities. Double initiator compositions work well on Sunset, along with a controller-cum-lurk expert, an anchoring sentinel, and a duelist. While double-controller comps can be viable, double initiators are preferred.

Sunset is a map that truly caters to support agents and provides a unique and enjoyable experience for controller mains. Embrace the map’s quirks and take advantage of its creative opportunities. Despite some flaws, Sunset is here to stay.

Sunset, VALORANT, controller mains, map, strategy, attack, defense, chokepoints, one-way smokes, vision blockers