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Mastering Pearl on Attack in VALORANT: Top agents and strategies for victory.

The Best Strategies for Attacking on Pearl in VALORANT

A main on Pearl in VALORANT.

Attacking on Pearl in VALORANT can be challenging due to the difficult sites and long sightlines. However, with a clear understanding of the map’s geometry and a strategic approach, you can improve your chances of success.

The Importance of Middle Control

When attacking on Pearl, it’s crucial not to neglect the middle area of the map. Utilizing mid strategically can open up multiple possibilities for your team and disrupt the defenders.

Utilizing Agents with External Utility

Using agents with a lot of external utility is key on Pearl. The narrow choke points on the map make it easy for defenders to pick off attackers, so cluttering the area with utility can disorient your opponents and give you an advantage.

Alternative Pathways

An attack strategy that utilizes the middle portion of Pearl in VALORANT.

Instead of going through the traditional A or B main, consider taking control of the middle of the map. This allows you to access the sites from alternative pathways and avoids the bottleneck that occurs at the choke points.

To execute this strategy effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Gain control of mid and use utility to clear corners and prevent defenders from pushing forward.
  2. Clear the areas towards A site or B Link using flashes and other information-gathering utility.
  3. Move onto the site, double-checking the danger areas highlighted in an earlier diagram.
  4. Plant the spike and hold the site while being mindful of potential flanks.

The Best Agents for Attacking on Pearl

Astra and Skye pose in a promotional image for VALORANT.

For a successful attack on Pearl, we recommend using a double-controller composition, consisting of one initiator, one duelist, one sentinel, and two controllers.

Here are some recommended agents:

  • Main controller: Omen, Brimstone, or Astra
  • Viper for site division and blocking multiple areas
  • Initiators: Skye or Fade for powerful flashes and mobility
  • Duelists: Jett for long sightlines or Phoenix for external utility
  • Sentinel: Sage or Killjoy for cutting off enemies and powerful utility

By implementing these strategies and utilizing the right agents, you can greatly improve your attacking performance on Pearl in VALORANT.

attacking on Pearl, VALORANT, strategies, Middle Control, alternative pathways, agents