Reyna has emerged as one of the most popular agents in VALORANT. However, there is a growing consensus within the community that she may be the game’s most significant design flaw.
The Debate Over Reyna’s Impact
Players on the VALORANT subreddit are debating whether Reyna is fit for the game. One member of the community even listed five reasons why they believe Reyna encourages poor in-game habits and fails to foster a better understanding of the game. This is problematic, especially because Reyna is now the most-played agent in ranked queues.
Reyna’s kit is intended to make her completely self-sufficient, to the point that she can thrive without the support of others. However, this self-reliance comes with a condition: she must have good aim. As a result, Reyna players emphasize honing their aim, frequently forgetting to train other important abilities. They become conditioned to favor eliminations above all else, causing them to engage in risky duels with poor placement purely for the sake of obtaining a kill. Her abilities, such as Dismiss and Devour, enhance this playstyle.
The emphasis on individual success frequently results in a lack of teamwork. Reyna players rarely feel compelled to coordinate their efforts with teammates because they do not rely on their ability to help the team. As a result, they do not bother learning how to properly put smokes, mollies, or time flashes.
When faced with a defeat, Reyna players prefer to blame it completely on their aim, ignoring the larger structure and methods within VALORANT. They underestimate the value of properly pressing into a place, covering a flank, or clearing corners. This narrow perspective stifles their development and knowledge of the game, which other roles and agents contribute to.
Some claim that Reyna was created to be the ultimate duelist, relying primarily on individual aim, but others disagree. Critics believe that an agent that emphasizes individual aim over game knowledge to such an extent may not be a healthy addition to the game. One gamer even stated, “Reyna does not HAVE a design issue; she IS the design flaw.”