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Complete Breakdown of Abilities in VALORANT

VALORANT is a unique first-person shooter game that combines elements from popular games like Counter-Strike and Overwatch. The game focuses on player accuracy, reaction time, and strategy, while also incorporating character-based abilities and ultimates. Each character in VALORANT, called agents, has their own set of abilities, including a signature ability and an ultimate ability.


Astra agent in VALORANT.
Image via Riot Games
  • Gravity Well – Activates a Star to create a Gravity Well that pulls players in and makes them vulnerable.
  • Nova Pulse – Activates a Star to detonate a Nova Pulse, concussing all players in its area.
  • Nebula – Activates a Star to create a Nebula (smoke) that lasts for a certain duration.
  • Dissipate – Dissipates a Star, returning it to be placed in a new location after a delay.
  • Ultimate: Astral Form / Cosmic Divide – Activates Astral Form to place Stars and transform them into various abilities, including a Nova Pulse, Nebula, or Gravity Well. Cosmic Divide creates an infinite wall that blocks bullets and dampens audio.


Brimstone agent in VALORANT.
Image via Riot Games
  • Incendiary – Launches a damaging field of fire that lasts for a certain duration.
  • Stim Beacon – Drops a stim beacon that provides various advantages to nearby players.
  • Sky Smoke – Calls in orbital deployment smokescreens that obscure vision.
  • Ultimate: Orbital Strike – Targets a location to launch a devastating orbital strike that deals damage over time.


Breach agent in VALORANT.
Image via Riot Games
  • Aftershock – Fires a burst charge through a wall, dealing damage.
  • Flashpoint – Equips a blinding charge that blinds enemies.
  • Fault Lines – Equips a seismic blast that dazes enemies.
  • Ultimate: Rolling Thunder – Sends a cascading quake through all terrain, dazing and knocking up enemies.


Chamber agent in VALORANT.
Image via Riot Games
  • Trademark – Places a trap that slows enemies caught in its range.
  • Headhunter – Equips a heavy pistol for aiming down sights.
  • Rendezvous – Places a teleport anchor for quickly teleporting to a different location.
  • Ultimate – Tour de Force – Summons a powerful sniper rifle that kills enemies with a direct hit and slows others caught in its range.

These are just a few examples of the diverse set of abilities available in VALORANT. Each agent brings a unique playstyle to the game, and mastering their abilities is crucial for success. Whether you prefer tactical gunplay or utilizing character-based abilities, VALORANT offers a thrilling gameplay experience.

VALORANT, agents, abilities, gameplay, tactical, gunplay, character-based abilities