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ExtraEmily Reveals Hilarious Tier List of Streamers, Full of Chaotic Surprises

ExtraEmily’s Tier List Drama Creates Chaos on Stream

ExtraEmily joined Nick Polom’s stream today and stirred up what Polom calls “manufactured drama” through a tier list grading of streamers. This task proved to be Emily’s toughest challenge since joining One True King (OTK).

Emily confessed that she didn’t recognize many iconic streamers and had never watched them before grading them based on a general vibe. Although Polom assured her that she didn’t need to grade streamers she hadn’t seen, Emily decided to go ahead anyway, resulting in the most chaotic tier list ever created on stream.

During the grading process, Emily struggled to make decisions, frequently changing her assessments and causing streamers’ grades to fluctuate by two or three-letter grades within minutes. It was a complete mess.

Furthermore, some streamers in the chatroom quickly learned not to question Emily’s judgments. Russell and JakenBake tried to persuade her after receiving what they deemed unfair grades, but in response, she lowered their grades even further as retaliation.

The appearance reached its peak when ExtraEmily was compelled to grade everyone in OTK on a separate tier list. Predictably, she once again expressed numerous questionable opinions. It’s hard to tell if ExtraEmily is genuinely a chaotic force of bubbly ignorance or if she’s playing a role with ingenious intent. Nonetheless, everything she’s involved in turns into pure hilarity.