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Pokémon Go Plus + Hits the Market Earlier Than Expected: A Peek into the Leaked Details

New Pokemon Go Plus + Device Hits Shelves Early

The Pokemon Go Plus + was supposed to launch on July 21. Yet, some fans have already spotted it for sale in a few places around the globe.

Designed for Two Games

A post on Reddit revealed the new catching device works with both Pokémon Go and the upcoming Pokémon Sleep. It lets players catch Pokémon and spin Pokéstops easily. Or, it can catch Pokémon while you’re asleep, depending on how you use it.

Early Buyers Can’t Connect Yet

People who got the device early found out they can’t use it yet. Niantic didn’t add a way to connect the device to Pokémon Go. When they tried, a message said the game doesn’t recognize it. So, for now, they can’t use it at all.

What We Know So Far

Even though it’s not up and running yet, we know a bit about the device. It looks like previous Pokémon Go Plus devices but comes with a handy holder. This means you don’t have to keep it in a pocket or bag. You can have it out and ready to use.

What sets the Pokémon Go Plus + apart is its autocatcher feature. You don’t have to press anything to catch Pokémon or spin Pokéstops. The device does it all, making it perfect for busy or unsafe moments to look at your phone.

Also, buyers will get a special Sleeping Snorlax in the future. But, we don’t know when it will be available.

An image related to Pokemon Go Plus +