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Orthworm Achieves Major Victory in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Tournament

Joaquin Salerno just rocked the Pokémon competitive scene with a big win on May 7. And yes, he did it with Orthworm, a choice that has everyone talking. This new champ on the block showed what he’s got, and it would be silly to ignore his skills.

Rising Through The Ranks

Starting off strong in São Paulo, Salerno nailed an 11-3 score, only to dominate even more on the second day. In an intense final, he outplayed Pokémon World Champion Paul Ruiz, winning 2-1. This victory not only earned him $3,000 but also got him 200 CP closer to the 2023 Pokémon World Championships.

Salerno’s winning strategy revolved around Orthworm, a choice that surprised many. While he might not have come up with this team strategy, he sure knew how to make it work to his advantage. The team was actually a brainchild of David Koutesh, known for his out-of-the-box team builds. Given the team’s unique composition, it’s not far-fetched to say Koutesh had a hand in its creation.

The Star: Orthworm

Orthworm’s rare Shed Tail move is a game-changer. It creates a Substitute for heavy hitters like Dragonite and Flutter Mane, allowing them to attack without taking hits. The team is carefully picked to protect Orthworm and use its Earth Eater ability. Not only does this ability shield it from Ground moves, but it also heals it, making Orthworm a tough nut to crack. Salerno showed off this strategy perfectly in his finals match against Ruiz.

Let’s dive deeper into Orthworm’s role. On the field, it can either use Shed Tail right away or start powering up with Body Press. Its slow speed actually plays to its advantage, safely passing on a Substitute to its teammate at the end of the turn. With a specific EV spread, Orthworm can recover health with its Sitrus Berry after using Shed Tail, setting it up for future moves.

Team Dynamics

Orthworm’s teammates are crucial to its success. Dragonite and Flutter Mane, for example, don’t usually use Protect but benefit massively from Shed Tail’s Substitute. Dragonite, with its Dragon Dance set, becomes almost untouchable behind a Substitute.

The team is strategically built to keep Orthworm in play. Moves like Bulldoze and Earthquake from Dragonite, Ting-Lu, and Gyarados not only damage opponents but also heal Orthworm thanks to its Earth Eater ability. Ting-Lu, with its Choice Band set, can unleash powerful Earthquakes without worrying about hitting Orthworm. This synergy allows Orthworm to either heal up or set up for a Body Press sweep.

Gyarados brings additional support with its Intimidate ability, lowering the damage output of physical attackers. Its part-Flying type means it’s immune to Ting-Lu’s Earthquakes, and it can use Bulldoze to further control the opponent’s Speed and heal Orthworm when necessary. With moves like Thunder Wave and Taunt, Gyarados proves to be a versatile support.

Conclusion: A Well-Rounded Team

This team, built around Orthworm’s unique abilities, shows how creativity and strategy can lead to success. Salerno’s control over the game and his Pokémon’s roles was impeccable. From powering up heavy hitters behind a safe Substitute to maintaining Orthworm’s health for a prolonged fight, the strategy was executed perfectly. With Pokémon like Chien-Pao rounding off the team for quick hits and Ting-Lu providing power, this team composition is a testament to thinking outside the box in competitive Pokémon battles.