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NRG seeking change for the LCS Summer Split with a fresh bot lane

Korean Support IgNar Joins NRG Esports for LCS Summer Split

Lee “IgNar” Dong-geun, a Korean support player currently with Dignitas, has agreed to join NRG Esports for the upcoming LCS Summer Split, according to a report by The two North American organizations reached a buyout agreement days ago, finalizing the deal to bring IgNar to NRG.

IgNar, a former LCS finalist, finished the last split in last place due to visa issues that delayed his joining the team. NRG has made this move to strengthen their roster, following the acquisition of bot laner Ian Victor “FBI” Huang from Evil Geniuses.

NRG’s Rumored Lineup:

  • Top: Niship “Dhokla” Doshi
  • Jungle: Juan Arturo “Contractz” Garcia
  • Mid: Cristian “Palafox” Palafox
  • ADC: Ian Victor “FBI” Huang
  • Support: Lee “IgNar” Dong-geun

NRG, who acquired the spot from CLG and purchased all of the players’ contracts, aims to improve upon the previous organization’s sixth-place finish in the Spring Split. The team will have the opportunity to prove themselves during the 2023 LCS Summer Split, which is scheduled to begin on June 1.

Korean support, NRG Esports, LCS Summer Split, IgNar, Dignitas,, North American organizations, buyout agreement, visa issues, bot laner, Evil Geniuses, roster, acquisition, CLG, Spring Split