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Why Riot Games Refuses to, and Shouldn’t, Address Smurfing in League of Legends

The League of Legends Subreddit Calls for a Fix on Smurfing

The League of Legends subreddit is once again discussing the issue of smurfing. A recent thread on the main page is calling for Riot to address the problem by allowing players to purchase level 30 accounts. However, selling fully-leveled accounts can create a variety of new issues that may worsen the game. Riot likely has valid reasons for not implementing this easy fix.

Why Selling Fully-Leveled Accounts Isn’t the Solution

Here are a few reasons why Riot should not sell fully-leveled accounts:

Leveling to 30 Isn’t Difficult

We understand that grinding to level 30 can be challenging. However, it only takes about 180 games, assuming a 50% win rate and receiving 10 “First Win of the Day” experience bonuses. This amounts to approximately 40 hours of gameplay, including lobby wait times. Additionally, there are game modes with higher win percentages that can reduce the number of required games even further. The total cost for experience boosts is around $50.

Other Game Modes

Players don’t have to exclusively play Summoner’s Rift to level up. Riot has introduced various game modes, such as Nexus Blitz and ARURF, that offer faster and more enjoyable alternatives for leveling accounts. Additionally, players can still enjoy classic game modes like ARAM and Twisted Treeline.

Riot Wants Players to Play the Game

For the long-term survival of the game, Riot needs players to actively participate. The leveling system encourages players to engage with the game, and if the experience of leveling through gameplay is improved, it can enhance the overall game experience.

/Mute All Exists

Many new players face negative experiences due to flaming in chat. However, there is a simple solution to this problem: players can mute all chat by typing “/mute all.” Riot could improve the new player experience with better tutorials, interactive bot games, and guidance on game modes. They could also provide options for experienced players to skip these steps for new accounts.

Experienced Players and Smurfs

While experienced players often complain about high MMR players on smurf accounts dominating games, it’s important to note that many of these complaints come from other smurf players. Riot’s algorithms attempt to address this issue, although it’s not perfect. While duoing with a newer friend may present some challenges, matchmaking should eventually balance out their win rates over a large sample size.

Ranked Play and Matchmaking

If players were able to buy level 30 accounts and immediately jump into ranked play, the existing issues with leveling, smurfs, flame, and bad matchmaking would transfer to the ranked ladder. This outcome would be far worse than the current system, which allows Riot to collect 30 levels of data to determine players’ MMR. It’s not worth compromising the bottom of the ranked ladder to improve the leveling process. Players should enjoy the game and have fun instead of fixating on reaching level 30 just for the sake of placement.

A Possible Solution and the Irony

A Reddit thread proposed an interesting solution: allowing level 30 players with a certain honor level to purchase additional level 30 accounts linked to the same profile. This system would prevent account sharing and enable players to explore different champions and roles without affecting their main MMR. Interestingly, this solution bears a resemblance to the positional ranks system introduced in season nine. Although the implementation of positional ranks had numerous issues and was ultimately abandoned due to player dissatisfaction, the concept could have been improved if given a chance.

In conclusion, the discussion around smurfing continues on the League of Legends subreddit. While the idea of selling fully-leveled accounts may seem like a simple solution, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks and impact on the overall game experience. Riot should focus on improving the leveling process and addressing player concerns in order to create a more enjoyable environment for all players.

Related keywords: League of Legends, smurfing, leveling process, game modes, ranked ladder, MMR, positional ranks.