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Which Mid Lane Champion Should You Main in Season 12?

In League of Legends, every time Riot Games makes changes to a character, it impacts their ranking and affects gameplay. Understanding the rankings of mid lane champions is important in League of Legends, especially if you want to excel in the game. In this article, we will discuss five top-tier mid lane champions for this season.

5 Best Mid Lane Champions To Main in Season 12

1. Ahri

Ahri is a magical assassin known for her devastating magical abilities in League of Legends. She has a high victory rate and is capable of dealing massive damage to opponent champions. She excels in the early and mid-game stages and is relatively easier to learn compared to other champions in the mid-lane.

2. Kassadin

Kassadin is a magical assassin known for his ability to deal damage and withstand magical attacks. He has various abilities that provide him with an advantage in fights, allowing him to quickly eliminate enemy champions and snowball the game. While Kassadin requires some skill to master, he is a strong mid-lane champion in the current meta.

3. Viktor

Viktor is a powerful mid-lane mage with a high win rate in the current meta. He relies on his casting abilities to deal damage and excel in fights. With a variety of active skills and a passive ability that enhances his abilities, Viktor offers players versatile options in gameplay. While he may require some practice to fully master, he is undeniably one of the most potent mid-lane champions in the game.

4. Yasuo

Yasuo is a versatile champion who can be played in various roles, including mid-lane and ADC. With his deadly abilities, Yasuo can deal devastating physical damage to opponents. He has abilities that enhance his basic strikes, allowing him to cause massive damage in a short amount of time. Despite being challenging to learn, Yasuo is a powerful mid-lane champion who can greatly impact the game when used effectively.

5. Zed

Zed, known as “the Master of Shadows,” is a deadly assassin who specializes in taking down low-health enemy champions. He has various abilities that allow him to deal massive physical damage and become untargetable during fights. While Zed is challenging to master, he is one of the most powerful mid-lane champions and can greatly impact the game in the hands of skilled players.

How to Main A Mid Lane Champion in Season 12?

Improve Your Farming Skills

In order to gain an advantage over your opponents, it’s crucial to focus on farming and obtaining gold from minion kills. Each minion that you fail to kill represents a missed opportunity for gold, so make sure to prioritize last-hitting minions to maximize your earnings.


Freezing the minion wave is an effective strategy that involves keeping the minions in a specific location and controlling their movement. This can create opportunities for ganks or force the enemy laner to engage in unfavorable fights.

Slow Push

Slow pushing involves allowing the enemy minion wave to push towards your tower while maintaining a slight advantage in minion numbers. This can create opportunities for larger waves to build up, allowing you to roam or recall without missing out on valuable minions.


Shoving the wave involves quickly pushing the wave to the enemy tower. This can create lane priority and allow you to roam or assist your team in other areas of the map. It’s important to make sure you don’t miss out on any minions while shoving the wave.

Best Time to Roam

Mid-laners have the advantage of influencing both the top and bot lanes, so knowing the best times to roam is crucial. One ideal time to roam is after shoving the wave, ensuring that you don’t lose out on important minions. Another ideal time is when your opponent calls you out or upon identifying an opportunity to make a play in another lane.

By following these strategies and mastering the skills of these top-tier mid lane champions, you can greatly improve your performance in League of Legends. Good luck and have fun on the battlefield!