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Choosing the Ideal Mid Lane Champion for Season 12

Every time Riot Games makes a change to a character in League of Legends, their ranking and impact on the game are affected. It’s important to stay updated on the rankings of mid lane champions in League of Legends as they can greatly influence gameplay. In this article, we’ll discuss the top-tier mid lane champions for the current season.

5 Best Mid Lane Champions To Main in Season 12

1. Ahri

Ahri is a deadly magical assassin in League of Legends who relies solely on her magical powers to deal damage. She has the ability to quickly eliminate opponent champions and has a high win rate of 52.1 percent in the current meta. Ahri’s burst damage potential in the early and mid-game makes her an excellent choice for mid-lane battles. She is relatively easier to learn and master compared to other champions, making her a popular choice among players.

2. Kassadin

Kassadin is a magical assassin who heavily relies on his abilities to deal damage. His passive ability, Void Stone, reduces magic damage taken from opponents. With his abilities like Null Sphere and Force Pulse, Kassadin can quickly eliminate enemy champions and escape unfavorable situations. Despite being a bit harder to master, Kassadin is one of the best mid-lane champions in the current meta.

3. Viktor

Viktor, also known as the Machine Herald, has a win rate of 51.5 percent in the current meta. He relies heavily on his casting abilities to deal damage and possesses multiple active skills and a passive ability. Viktor’s Glorious Evolution passive ability allows him to accumulate Hex Fragments and enhance his active skills. Despite being a bit difficult to master, Viktor offers a wide range of options and is considered one of the most potent mid-lane mages in the current meta.

4. Yasuo

Yasuo is a versatile champion who can be played in multiple lanes. He is most effective as a mid-lane or ADC assassin but can also be played as a top-lane warrior. Yasuo’s abilities, like Wind Wall and Last Breath, allow him to excel in chasing down enemy champions and dealing bursts of damage. While Yasuo is considered one of the most difficult champions to learn, he is also one of the most powerful mid-laners in the current meta.

5. Zed

Zed, known as “the Master of Shadows,” is a deadly assassin who specializes in taking out low-health enemy champions. His abilities like Razor Shuriken, Shadow Slash, and Death Mark allow him to deal immense physical damage and become untargetable. Zed is considered one of the most difficult champions to master but offers tremendous power in the mid-lane.

How to Main A Mid Lane Champion in Season 12?

To excel as a mid-lane champion in Season 12, it’s essential to focus on improving your farming skills. Last-hitting minions to secure gold and experience is crucial in gaining an advantage over your opponent. Additionally, understanding farming techniques like freezing, slow pushing, and shoving can help you manipulate minion waves and create opportunities for roaming.

Freezing involves preventing minions from moving by directing them to a specific location, allowing you to control the lane and set up ganks or favorable fights. Slow pushing involves allowing equal minion waves to build up on either side of the lane, creating a numerical advantage that can be used to push objectives or roam. Shoving involves quickly clearing the wave and then moving to other areas of the map to assist your team or secure objectives.

Knowing the best time to roam is another key aspect of mastering mid-lane champions. Roaming can have a significant impact on other lanes and shift the momentum in your team’s favor. Shoving the wave before roaming ensures that you don’t lose out on valuable minion gold and experience.

By effectively managing your farm, mastering lane manipulation techniques, and timing your roams, you can become a formidable mid-lane champion in Season 12.

Remember to regularly check for updates on League of Legends Elo Boosting Cost, Mastery System, and how to get a PBE Account for more information and tips to improve your gameplay.