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Which ADC Should You Main in Season 12?

The carry role in MOBA games, like League of Legends, is crucial for winning. In League of Legends, the ADC (Attack Damage Carry) is responsible for securing victory on Summoner’s Rift. ADCs are usually found in the bottom lane with a support champion to protect them from harassment. The main role of the ADC is to farm and accumulate resources to carry the team to victory. Here are some of the best ADC champions to main in Season 12:

5. Ashe

Which ADC Should You Main in Season 12?

Ashe is a well-known and powerful ADC in League of Legends. She has the ability to quickly deplete an opponent’s health. However, Ashe is vulnerable to ambushes and ganks in the early game. With the help of a defensive support, Ashe becomes a terrifying late-game champion. Her Enchanted Crystal Arrow can be deadly when used strategically. Ashe is also one of the easiest champions to master, making her a great choice for both new and experienced players.

4. Ezreal

Which ADC Should You Main in Season 12?

Ezreal is a versatile ADC who uses both physical and magical damage. His passive ability increases his attack speed with each basic attack. Ezreal has the ability to blink across a distance and deal magic damage to opponents. His ultimate ability, Trueshot Barrage, deals massive damage to enemies. Ezreal is a powerful ADC and easy to understand and master.

3. Caitlyn

Which ADC Should You Main in Season 12?

Caitlyn is a strong marksman with high physical damage. She can cause havoc in the laning stage with her damage output. Caitlyn has abilities that provide additional damage and crowd control effects. With a lifesteal item, Caitlyn becomes a raid boss in the middle and late game. She is straightforward to play and a great choice for ADC players.

2. Kog’Maw

Which ADC Should You Main in Season 12?

Kog’Maw is a feared ADC who can benefit from his own death. His passive ability deals true damage to enemies when he dies. Kog’Maw can also slow opponents and enhance his basic attacks. He requires practice to master but is one of the most powerful marksmen in the game.

1. Kai’Sa

Which ADC Should You Main in Season 12?

Kai’Sa is a highly skilled marksman who relies on her basic attacks. Her passive ability deals magic damage to enemies. Kai’Sa has powerful abilities that deal damage and generate shields for herself. She can also enhance her attack speed and movement speed. Kai’Sa requires farming to reach her full potential but becomes a deadly force in the late game.

Tips To Main ADC in Season 12

The ADC role is crucial for achieving victory in League of Legends. Here are some tips to excel as an ADC player:

Stick to Your Turret

Embracing your turret provides safety for farming and allows you to respond to ganks effectively.

Play with Caution

ADCs need to prioritize staying alive to fulfill their roles effectively.

Recognize Your Limitations

Consider your team composition and adjust your playstyle accordingly.

General Tips

  • Focus on farming to obtain valuable resources.
  • Be aware of your opponent’s item timings and capitalize on them.
  • Engage in kiting to gain an advantage in team fights.

League of Legends is a constantly evolving game, and the meta may change. However, champions like Ashe, Ezreal, Caitlyn, Kog’Maw, and Kai’Sa are currently strong picks for ADC players.