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How to Optimize Minion Dematerializer Usage

In League of Legends, there is a wide variety of Runes to choose from. These Runes have been important in the game since they were reworked a few Seasons ago.

However, there are some lesser-known Runes that don’t get much attention. This is because other Runes are just so much better that these lesser-known ones can’t compete.

One such Rune is the Minion Dematerializer. To be honest, I didn’t know how to use it until I did some research for this article. Even after playing a few games with it, I still haven’t quite figured it out.

In this article, I will explain what the Minion Dematerializer is and how to use it effectively.

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What is the Minion Dematerializer?

The Minion Dematerializer is a Rune in the Inspiration tree. At the start of the game, you receive three charges of the Minion Dematerializer item. This item is used on minions to instantly kill them.

Using the Dematerializer on a minion gives you extra damage against that type of minion for the rest of the game. If you use all three charges on the same type of minion, the increased damage becomes less effective, capping at 12%.

The item has a cooldown of 10 seconds and cannot be sold.

The Best Way of Using it

The Minion Dematerializer is most useful for Mages who rely on a single spell for wave clear. One example is Twisted Fate, whose Q ability is crucial for clearing waves. You can use the Dematerializer on any type of minion, but one type is definitely the best.

It’s recommended to use all three charges on the ranged minions. This will give you a significant damage boost against them and help you push the lane early in the game. With the extra damage, you’ll be able to clear the wave with just one spell. This can make wave clear much faster and easier.

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Final Thoughts

Despite its reputation, the Minion Dematerializer can be quite useful. It provides Mages with significant damage for early wave clear. Not many players pick up this niche Rune, but I recommend giving it a try before making a final decision. It can be a great option for Champions that rely heavily on a single spell for wave clear. However, it’s important to study the Rune carefully and consider if it’s suitable for the Champion you’re playing.

I hope you found this article informative and enjoyable to read. Best of luck on the Summoner’s Rift!