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When will League of Legends introduce challenges?

League of Legends Adds Permanent Challenges in Patch 12.9

Completing objectives has always been an important part of the League of Legends experience. These objectives, which usually come in the form of missions during events, offer players specific rewards when they are completed. However, these missions are only available for a limited time, leaving players wanting more.

Recognizing the desire for more objectives, Riot Games is introducing a new wave of permanent challenges to League of Legends. These challenges will be available to players starting May 11 with the release of Patch 12.9. Similar to event missions, there will be both easy and tough challenges. It’s unclear how long it will take to complete all the challenges, and whether they can be completed in ranked matches.

While completing challenges is enjoyable for many players, some believe that it can negatively impact the quality of their ranked matches. This typically occurs when players prioritize completing their tough quests over playing in a way that aligns with their usual strategies. This may be less common in higher ranks, but players in Gold and below should be cautious of teammates who may have a hidden agenda.

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League of Legends, missions, challenges, objectives, rewards, ranked matches