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What Mid Lane Champion is the Best Pick for Season 12?

In League of Legends, changes to a character can impact their ranking and in turn, affect gameplay. This article will provide you with a list of the best mid lane champions to main in Season 12 to help you stay up-to-date with the meta.

5 Best Mid Lane Champions To Main in Season 12

5. Ahri

Ahri is a deadly magical assassin in League of Legends, known for her burst damage potential in the early and mid-game. With a high win rate of 52.1%, Ahri is one of the most potent mid-laners in the current meta. She is also easier to learn and master compared to other champions.

4. Kassadin

Kassadin is a magical assassin with the ability to deal massive damage while also having defensive capabilities. With abilities like Void Stone and Null Sphere, Kassadin can easily eliminate opponents and survive in fights. He is one of the best mid-lane champions in the current meta and relatively easier to learn.

3. Viktor

Viktor, the Machine Herald, is a strong mid-lane mage with numerous abilities that enhance his damage output. Although his win rate is not the highest, Viktor remains a powerful champion in the right hands. His abilities, such as Glorious Evolution and his enhanced skills with hex fragments, make him a formidable opponent. Mastering Viktor may take time, but it’s worth it for his potential on the battlefield.

2. Yasuo

Yasuo is a versatile champion who can be played in multiple lanes. As a mid-lane or ADC assassin, Yasuo excels in dealing physical damage to enemies. His abilities, like Wind Wall and Last Breath, give him an edge in battles. Although he is challenging to master, Yasuo’s potential as a snowballer makes him one of the strongest mid-lane champions in the current meta.

1. Zed

Zed, the Master of Shadows, is a deadly assassin known for his ability to take down low-health enemies. With abilities like Contempt for the Weak and Death Mark, Zed can deal massive bursts of physical damage. While he is difficult to master, Zed is one of the most powerful mid-lane champions in the current meta.

How to Main A Mid Lane Champion in Season 12?

Improve Your Farming Skills

Having more minions than your opponent is crucial in gaining an advantage in the game. Killing minions rewards you with gold, which can be used to buy items and increase your power. Focus on last-hitting minions to maximize your gold income and avoid missing out on valuable resources.


Freezing the wave involves controlling minion behavior so that they remain in a specific location. This can create opportunities for ganks or force the enemy to engage in unfavorable fights. By freezing the wave, you can deny the enemy farm and gain an advantage in lane.

Slow Push

Slow pushing involves creating a gradual push by having an equal number of minions on both sides of the lane. This puts pressure on the enemy and allows you to set up opportunities for recalls or roams. Use this strategy to build up a large wave and apply pressure on the map.


Shoving the wave involves pushing it towards the enemy tower before roaming or recalling. This ensures that you don’t miss out on valuable farm while creating opportunities to impact other lanes. Shoving the wave before roaming can give you an advantage in other areas of the map.

By following these strategies, you can maximize your impact as a mid-lane champion and increase your chances of winning the game.