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Does Ultimate Hunter Stack With Cooldown Reduction (CDR)?

Ultimate Hunter: Reducing Ultimate Cooldown in League of Legends

Ultimate Hunter, found in the Domination tree, is a rune that reduces the cooldown of your ultimate ability. By achieving takedowns on enemy players, you can earn stacks for this rune. Each player can only provide one stack.

Many players wonder if Ultimate Hunter stacks with other cooldown reduction (CDR) items. The answer is yes! Ultimate Hunter stacks additively with other sources of ultimate CDR, allowing you to use your ultimate more frequently.

What is Ultimate Hunter?

Ultimate Hunter Stack With CDR

Ultimate Hunter is a rune in the Domination tree that reduces the cooldown of your ultimate. It gives you an initial 6% Ability Haste and grants an additional 5% with each takedown. You can reach a maximum of 31 Ability Haste after accumulating all 5 stacks.

This rune stacks additively with other sources of ultimate CDR, and multiplicatively with regular cooldown reduction. This means you can combine it with other CDR items to further reduce the cooldown of your ultimate. Taking advantage of this rune can provide a significant edge, especially for champions with long ultimate cooldowns.

What is Cooldown Reduction (CDR)?

Cooldown Reduction (CDR) is a stat in League of Legends that decreases the cooldowns of your abilities. CDR can also affect the cooldowns of summoner spells and items. Different runes, buffs, and items provide CDR.

CDR allows you to use your abilities and ultimate more frequently, resulting in more damage output and increased chances of winning the game. Support champions can provide more utility to their team with lower cooldowns, contributing to victory.

Champions That Benefit from Ultimate Hunter

Ultimate Hunter Stack CDR Champions

While every champion can technically use Ultimate Hunter, some champions benefit more from this rune than others. Here are a few examples:

Fiddlesticks: Fiddlesticks’ ultimate can have a significant impact on teamfights, but it has a long cooldown. By picking Ultimate Hunter, Fiddlesticks can stack it quickly and lower the cooldown, allowing for more frequent use of the ultimate.

Karthus: Karthus’ global ultimate deals damage to all enemy champions, but it also has a long cooldown. Using Ultimate Hunter on Karthus ensures that the ultimate is available more often, maximizing its impact.

Shen: Shen’s ultimate allows him to teleport globally and provide a shield to an ally, making it a powerful tool for saving teammates. However, the long cooldown makes it harder to use regularly. Ultimate Hunter reduces the cooldown of Shen’s ultimate, allowing for more frequent use in critical situations.