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What is Anivia’s Build in Season 12? – A Comprehensive Guide to Anivia in League of Legends

Anivia has an outdated design and lacks skins due to a lack of attention from the developers. Her spells have remained mostly the same since League of Legends’ early seasons.

She is a caster champion with two skill shots, a terrain-spawning ability, and an AoE ultimate that grows stronger over time. All of her damage comes from her abilities, as her attack speed is very slow.

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Is Anivia AP or AD Champion?

Here’s the answer:

Anivia is an AP-based champion whose abilities scale only with Ability Power. Her combos depend heavily on landing her spells, as she has only one targeted ability. She has a low pick rate because many players find her boring to play, as she requires a lot of thought to execute her combos.

As a mage champion, Anivia has no other viable build than AP items. She does not scale with HP, AD, or any other stats. It’s important to build items that provide mana, as she heavily relies on her spells during fights.

Her ultimate ability continuously drains mana, so it’s important to use it wisely or build mana items to sustain its usage. Here is the best build for Anivia:

Best Anivia Build

  • Luden’s Tempest – provides a significant amount of mana and empowers her targeted ability.
  • Archangel’s Staff – the main source of mana, increases mana with ability usage.
  • Morellonomicon – prevents enemy healing, suitable for continuous damage from Anivia’s ultimate.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass – can be used to trade with enemy champions and amplify ultimate damage while in stasis.
  • Void Staff – optional item for dealing with magic resist, otherwise Rabbadon’s Deathcap is a good choice.
  • Sorcerer’s Shoes.

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Best Runes For Anivia

  • Electrocute – the most effective rune for Anivia, triggered with the Q + E combo.
  • Cheap Shot – additional damage when stunning enemies with Q.
  • Eyeball Collection – provides bonus damage during the mid-game.
  • Relentless Hunter – compensates for Anivia’s lack of mobility.
  • Manaflow Band – synergizes with Tear of the Goddess, granting Anivia a large mana pool.
  • Scorch – essential rune for poke-heavy champions like Anivia.

What Lane Can You Play Anivia?

Anivia is most commonly played in the middle lane. While some players find success playing her as a damage champion in the bot lane, mid lane is still the most effective position for her. She has excellent wave clear and can control the lane, but struggles against assassins like Zed or Talon.

Where Does Anivia’s Value Show?

Anivia is a control mage who can manipulate the game flow in a specific lane. Her ultimate ability is most valuable during team fights, as players tend to overlook the terrain it creates. Anivia can take advantage of this by using her ultimate to deal significant damage.

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Anivia is an AP-based champion with burst potential and extended fight capabilities. Her ultimate and wall ability allow her to control fights and deny opponents. Her wall ability is underrated but can be used to pick off enemies or disengage from dangerous situations.