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Weibo’s Potential Loss at Worlds 2023: Xiaohu’s Unconventional Ahri Build

Weibo Gaming’s Defeat Against T1 in Worlds 2023: The Impact of Xiaohu’s Unorthodox Build

Weibo Gaming’s journey in Worlds 2023 came to a disappointing end with a one-sided series loss against T1 on Nov. 19. One of the factors that may have contributed to this defeat was Xiaohu’s unusual Ahri build in the second game.

Instead of the traditional AP-based build, Xiaohu surprised everyone by starting with an AD starter item, Long Sword, on Ahri. He then upgraded it to Kircheis Shard. This is not a common choice for Ahri, as she typically relies on AP (ability power) for her damage output.

The Kircheis Shard has a passive effect that empowers the weapon and deals a single AP damage charge after a few hits. While the Long Sword only provides AD (attack damage), this item can be useful during the laning phase. It helps Ahri with farming and poking the enemy, especially against melee champions like Faker’s Sylas.

However, Xiaohu did not manage to gain a significant advantage in the midgame despite having a slight farm advantage. The value of the Kircheis Shard did not match its cost, which was 700 gold. This unorthodox strategy did not pay off for Xiaohu and prevented him from making a big impact in midgame teamfights.

At the 15-minute mark, Xiaohu sold the Kircheis Shard and opted for Ionian Boots of Lucidity instead when teleporting to help his allies in a teamfight. This indicated that he was not fully committed to Ahri’s AD build and decided to prioritize other items.

This unconventional build by Xiaohu may have cost him valuable gold and hindered his performance in teamfights, ultimately contributing to Weibo Gaming’s downfall. Despite grabbing some objectives and having an advantage in the bot lane during the midgame, T1 capitalized on every mistake and emerged victorious.

Related: A day in Seoul: Embracing the Worlds 2023 fever, Weibo Gaming’s TheShy slumps in LoL Worlds grand finals loss to T1.

Weibo Gaming, Worlds 2023, Xiaohu, Ahri build, T1, defeat, unorthodox strategy, midgame teamfights, AD starter item, Kircheis Shard, AP-based champion, laning phase, AP damage charge.