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Unleash Your Inner Carry as an ADC in LoL: Expert Tips and Champions Guide

Are you tired of feeling powerless as your team crumbles around you in the game? Do you struggle to carry your team to victory? Well, we’ve got you covered! Welcome to our ultimate guide on playing ADC champions in League of Legends (LoL). We’ll turn you from a helpless bystander into a dominating force on the Rift.

Before we dive into the details, let’s cover the basics. ADC, which stands for Attack Damage Carry, is a champion that deals a majority of their damage through auto-attacks. They are known for their high damage output in the late game and rely on their team for protection. To master the ADC role, you need to focus on three key areas: positioning, farming, and kiting.


As an ADC, your positioning is crucial. Good positioning can turn the tide of a battle, while poor positioning can lead to your untimely death. Follow these tips to improve your positioning:

  • Stay behind your frontline to let them soak up damage and protect you.
  • Keep an eye on enemy threats and be ready to dodge skillshots and dangerous abilities.
  • Avoid overextending and focus on survival and consistent damage.


Farming is essential for ADCs to accumulate gold and scale into the late game. Here’s how you can maximize your gold income:

  • Practice last-hitting minions to secure as much gold as possible.
  • Control the minion wave to farm safely near your turret.
  • Rotate for objectives like jungle camps and turrets to gain extra gold.


Kiting is a technique that allows you to attack while moving, maintaining a safe distance from threats. Use these tips to master kiting:

  • Use attack-move command or orb-walking to avoid misclicks and cancel attack animations.
  • Utilize your champion’s abilities to slow, stun, or create distance from enemies.

Now let’s move on to the top ADC champions for different playstyles and metas.


Hypercarries excel in the late game and deal massive damage if played correctly. Some popular hypercarries include Kai’Sa, Jinx, and Vayne.

Utility ADCs

Utility ADCs provide additional utility to their team through crowd control or supportive abilities. Champions like Ashe, Varus, and Senna fall into this category.

Early Game Bullies

Early game bullies dominate the early stages of the game and aim to end it quickly. Draven, Lucian, and Miss Fortune are known for their strong early game presence.

It’s important to choose a champion that suits your playstyle and complements your team composition. Don’t hesitate to adapt to the changing meta and adjust your champion pool accordingly.

In team fights, your performance as an ADC can make a huge difference. Here are some tips to dominate team fights:

Target Prioritization

Instead of diving into the backline, focus on attacking the highest-priority target within your safe attack range. Reposition as needed to maintain safety and switch targets if a higher-priority enemy becomes vulnerable.

Positioning in Team Fights

Remember that positioning is crucial for ADCs in team fights. Stay aware of enemy cooldowns and positioning, use terrain and teammates for protection, and adjust your positioning based on the flow of the fight.

Communication and map awareness are also vital skills for ADC players. Use pings effectively to communicate with your team, coordinate with your support, and stay aware of the map to anticipate enemy movements. And lastly, here are some insider tips to unleash your inner carry:

Adapt Your Build

Don’t stick to a single build path. Adapt your items according to the game situation and your team composition.

Learn Multiple Roles

Occasionally play other roles, especially support, to better understand team synergy and gain different perspectives.

Review Your Games

Watch your replays and analyze your mistakes to identify areas for improvement.

Follow Pro Players

Watch streams and VODs of professional ADC players to learn from their decision-making, mechanics, and strategies.

In conclusion, mastering the ADC role requires time, practice, and dedication. Focus on the fundamentals, stay adaptable, and implement the expert tips provided in this guide. Get ready to dominate as an ADC on the Rift and unleash your inner carry!


  • Q: What is the ADC role in League of Legends? A: ADC stands for Attack Damage Carry. They are ranged champions that deal physical damage and rely on their team for protection while dealing high damage.
  • Q: How do I improve my positioning as an ADC? A: Stay behind your frontline, be aware of enemy threats, and avoid overextending. Practice positioning in every game.
  • Q: How do I choose which ADC champion to play? A: Select a champion that fits your playstyle and the team composition. Stay up-to-date with the meta and adapt your champion pool accordingly.
  • Q: How do I prioritize targets in team fights? A: Focus on the highest-priority target within your safe attack range. Reposition and switch targets when necessary.
  • Q: How can I improve my map awareness? A: Regularly check the minimap, track objective timers, and anticipate enemy movements based on the map state and vision.

Make sure to check out our other guides, such as the LoL mage teamfight guide, for more useful information.


1. League of Graphs: ADC Champion Stats

2. OP.GG: Champion Statistics and Tier List

3. PhyLoL: ADC Guides and Content