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How to Check League of Legends Ping Without Entering the Game

Hello League of Legends fans! Have you been improving your gaming skills? We hope you’ve been winning points and mastering all the tactics of rank matches so you can patiently wait for the end of the ranked season. Playing League of Legends is a lot of fun, but it can also be frustrating for many reasons.

One of the biggest sources of frustration in the game is ping. Ping is a term that represents the delay in the connection between your PC and the game server. The higher the ping, the more difficulty you’ll have in connecting to the server and maintaining a stable connection. A ping of 60 or below is acceptable, but anything above 100 can make it difficult to control your champion and negatively impact your gameplay experience.

If you’re experiencing high ping, there are a few potential causes. One common cause is simultaneous downloading or other activities that consume bandwidth while you’re playing the game. This can create difficulties in the connection between your PC and the game server, resulting in lag and high ping. It’s important to ensure that no one else in your house or on your internet connection is using a large amount of bandwidth while you’re playing.

To check your ping before starting a match in League of Legends, you can use online tools like or test the ping on different Riot servers. This will give you an idea of the connection quality and whether you’ll experience lag during gameplay.

There are also a few ways to reduce ping in League of Legends. First, check your firewall settings and make sure League of Legends is exempted from any blocking rules. Lowering your graphics settings can also help reduce ping, as high-quality graphics can put a strain on your system. Additionally, consider optimizing your Wi-Fi settings and keeping your router as close to your PC as possible to ensure a strong and stable connection.

Dealing with high ping can be frustrating, but by following these tips and optimizing your connection, you can improve your gameplay experience in League of Legends. Remember to have fun while playing and enjoy the game to the fullest!