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Understanding Critical Strike Mechanics in Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics has become a global phenomenon since its release by Riot Games. By combining the popular auto chess formula with the rich world of League of Legends, Riot Games was able to draw in a huge player base. In order to succeed and climb the ranked ladder in TFT, players need to familiarize themselves with the game’s mechanics. One important mechanic to understand is critical strike. This guide will explain how critical strike works in Teamfight Tactics.

Critical strike is a damage multiplier that deals 200% damage to the enemy target. It allows players to quickly eliminate enemies with high damage output. The frequency of critical strikes depends on a percentage, which can be increased with various items.

If you are new to TFT and have not played League of Legends before, the concept of critical strike might be confusing. However, in the following section, we will explain everything you need to know about critical strike in TFT. To learn more, keep reading. Let’s delve into how critical strike works in Teamfight Tactics.

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What is Critical Strike

Critical Strike Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends GuideCritical Strike Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends Guide

First, let’s discuss what critical strike is and how it can be obtained. Critical strike is a mechanic that allows auto attacks to deal increased damage. While normal auto attacks deal 100% damage, critical strikes allow for 200% damage to be dealt to the enemy. It is important to note that critical strikes only apply to auto attacks and not spells.

By default, every champion has a critical strike rate of 25%. This means that even without any items, there is still a slight chance of dealing increased damage. A player cannot exceed a crit chance of 100%, as that is the maximum. If a player does not land a critical strike after a few auto attacks, their crit rate will automatically increase, giving them a higher chance of landing a crit in future attempts. Although the likelihood of landing a crit is not visible, players can expect a critical strike if they go without one for 3-4 attacks.

This mechanic is particularly useful for champions whose main source of damage is their auto attacks. Champions like Jhin, Yasuo, Jinx, Galio, and others greatly benefit from critical strikes. Additionally, while abilities themselves do not critically strike, any spell that deals physical damage has a chance to crit as well. This allows AD champions to excel with this mechanic.

However, it would be unfair if there were no counters to critical strikes, considering the high damage they can deal. Players can counter crit damage by equipping items such as the Bramble Vest or Rosethorn Vest, which reduce the damage taken from critical strikes. Equipping these items allows champions to survive longer and sustain more during fights.

On the other hand, players can build more critical strike chance by equipping champions with items like the Infinity Edge, Zenith Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Glamorous Gauntlet, to name a few. The latter two items even allow magic and true damage spells to critically strike. By equipping these items on magic champions, their abilities can deal even more damage than usual.

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Good Comps For Critical Strikes

Good Comps Critical Strikes Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends GuideGood Comps Critical Strikes Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends Guide

Now that you understand how crit works in TFT, let’s discuss some compositions and champions that can maximize your crit chance. These compositions will deal significant damage and quickly eliminate enemies. However, be aware that if the enemy team has tanks with crit reduction items, you may encounter difficulties.

The best composition for crits is the assassin build. The great thing about this build is that not only does it provide high damage, but it also allows you to jump to the enemy backline with the assassins’ passive ability. All assassins can instantly dive to the enemy’s backline and start attacking them. This allows you to directly target their high-value champions that are usually squishy, as tanks are typically positioned at the front.

If you want to go for the assassin composition, here are some champions that are ideal for your team:

  • Diana
  • Kayn
  • Pyke
  • Qiyana
  • Talon

You can add more champions to your team alongside these ones to complete your composition. However, having these champions as your main assassins will provide you with additional bonuses. With 2 assassins on your team, you gain a +15% crit chance and +20% crit damage. Having 4 assassins grants you a +30% crit chance and +40% crit damage. Finally, with 6 assassins, you gain +45% crit chance and +60% crit damage. It is recommended to have around 4 or 5 assassins in your composition to mix with other sets and gain additional bonuses.

As for items, it is suggested to give Diana the Hextech Gunblade, Infinity Edge, and Ionic Spark. Diana can use her ability to shield herself and summon orbs that deal damage to any champion they hit. Her shield refreshes once the orbs are gone.

Kayn should be equipped with the Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, and Last Whisper. His scythe’s swing deals damage to all targets it hits, approximately 180%, and can critically strike as well.

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Qiyana should receive the Hextech Gunblade, Infinity Edge, and Ionic Spark. She dashes to a position from where she can strike enemies with her blade. Since she often targets the weakest enemy in terms of HP, she can quickly eliminate them with her crits and damage.

Give Pyke the Hextech Gunblade, Infinity Edge, and Ionic Spark. His ability allows him to dash to the weakest target and use his ultimate to kill them and damage nearby enemies. Any enemy hit by this ability also has reduced healing by 50%.

Finally, Talon should be equipped with the Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, and Last Whisper. He becomes invisible for a few seconds and throws out a ring of blades that damage all enemies they hit. This ability is excellent for dealing damage to multiple targets. With a high crit chance and damage, Talon can instantly eliminate several champions effortlessly.

Critical Strikes Combinations Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends GuideCritical Strikes Combinations Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends Guide

If you need guidance on positioning your champions, you can refer to the image above. This particular composition is known as the Guild + Assassins composition, which is highly effective due to the immense damage output.

Critical Strike Combination Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends GuideCritical Strike Combination Teamfight Tactics in League of Legends Guide

Alternatively, the Tempest + Assassins composition provides moderate sustain and high damage. Regardless of which build you choose, the primary focus should be incorporating assassin champions into your team to benefit from the crit strike and damage passive bonus.

It is important to note that you may not always get the champions you desire. In such cases, you can use any other assassin champion, as they will also allow you to benefit from the passive bonus. However, if you are able to obtain the aforementioned champions, there is no better choice than them.

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