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Top Roaming Supports in League of Legends

League of Legends Roaming Guide: Discover the Best Support Champions to Roam With

Greetings, summoners! Welcome to another League of Legends guide where we will provide you with essential information on how to excel in your League of Legends matches.

In League of Legends, the objective is clear: reach the enemy base with your team and destroy their Nexus before they do the same to yours. But achieving this goal requires strategic teamwork and coordination. Before each match, players must choose the champion they will play, and each champion has its own role in the game.

Today, we will focus on the support role and support champions, specifically those that are highly mobile and capable of roaming around the map. This quality gives teams a significant advantage, and we’ll explain why.

What is Roaming in League of Legends?

If you’re an active League of Legends player, you’re likely familiar with the term “roaming.” Roaming refers to a champion leaving their assigned lane and moving to another lane or the jungle. This strategy can catch enemy players off guard, as they don’t expect a mid lane player, for example, to suddenly show up in the bot lane or help the jungle team conquer objectives.

Why Should Support Champions Roam?

Support champions should roam for several reasons. Firstly, their presence in other parts of the map creates pressure and disruption for the enemy team. This can lead to kills or set the stage for other champions on their team to secure kills more easily. Roaming can also redirect the enemy team’s attention, opening opportunities to capture objectives such as dragons or turrets.

Which Support Champions can Roam?

Any support champion can roam, although each champion has its own approach to roaming. Some champions excel in this role, while others may require more strategic planning. In this article, we will introduce you to the top 7 roaming support champions in League of Legends.

7. Nami

Nami, the sea queen known for trapping enemy champions, is a less common choice for a support champion. However, she can be incredibly formidable, especially when paired with a strong ADC champion. Her ultimate ability can slow down or even immobilize enemy champions, making her an excellent asset when escaping dangerous situations or assisting in team kills.

6. Janna

Janna is a supportive champion who excels at protecting her ADC. While she typically remains in the bot lane, she can effectively contribute to roaming by providing vision through wards and taking advantage of opportunities when the enemy team is distracted elsewhere on the map.

5. Blitzcrank

Blitzcrank, the infamous champion with his powerful hook, is one of the best support champions for roaming. His mobility allows him to swiftly move across the map, assisting teammates or clearing minion waves. Additionally, his hook ability can catch unsuspecting enemy champions, making him a potent threat during roam attempts.

4. Annie

Though Annie is more commonly seen in the mid lane, she can be a dangerous support champion. Her fire-based spells can surprise enemies and secure kills for her team. With her mobility and offensive abilities, she is well-suited for roaming.

3. Morgana

Morgana is a well-known support champion with a range of defensive abilities. Her shield, stun, and ultimate ability make her an excellent choice for roaming. Morgana’s aggressive playstyle can catch enemies off guard, leading to kills or successfully catching enemy champions.

2. Alistar

Alistar, with his disruptive abilities, is perfect for roaming once he clears his lane. He can move quickly across the map, instilling fear in the enemy team and creating opportunities for his team to secure kills.

1. Braum

Topping the list is Braum, who excels in roaming after upgrading his boots. With his high mobility and speed, Braum can swiftly clear his lane and venture off to assist teammates. Placing wards to track enemy movement is crucial for successful roaming with Braum.

In summary, these 7 support champions are ideal for roaming in League of Legends. While there are many more champions with roaming potential, be sure to consider these options if you want to excel as a support player. If we missed any champions, feel free to leave a comment below. Good luck and have fun roaming the Summoner’s Rift.