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Top LEC Records to Surpass in 2023: Unparalleled Speed, High Mortality, and more

League of Legends: Records that Could be Broken in the LEC

The competitive landscape of League of Legends has grown tremendously over the past decade, making it one of the biggest global esports today. In Europe, the professional scene is thriving as players from across the region strive to compete in the LEC.

Throughout the history of the LEC, many players and teams have made their mark at the LEC Studios in Berlin. Only a few, however, have achieved legendary status through their incredible performances on Summoner’s Rift.

League Records That Could be Broken in 2023

Despite the enduring nature of many league records, the ever-changing landscape of the game could lead to new players joining the ranks of legends. From the most bloodthirsty to the most dedicated minion hunters, here are the in-game LEC records that could potentially be broken in 2023, according to the league’s official publication.

Fastest Game Time

The title for the fastest game in league history belongs to G2 Esports during their dominant era as the Kings of Europe in 2019. They faced off against Origen and swiftly emerged victorious in just 18 minutes and 31 seconds. With the current level of competition in Europe, it may take some time before this record is broken.

Most Kills in a Single Game

When it comes to racking up kills, Rekkles is a name synonymous with excellence in Europe. The legendary ADC set the kill record in 2014, accumulating an impressive 18 eliminations during a match against the Copenhagen Wolves. Not only did he avoid death himself, but he also achieved only three assists. Rekkles was truly a force to be reckoned with.

Most Deaths in a Single Game

While setting records is an achievement, there are some that players desperately hope to avoid. The record for the most deaths in a single match has stood since 2017, when Team Roccat’s top laner Phaxi died 13 times in one game. There was another match in 2014 where Millennium jungler Kottenx collected 17 deaths with a trolling Leona pick.

Most Farm in a Single Game

Mastering proper farming is an underrated skill in professional play, as it ensures staying competitive with opponents. In 2016, former G2 AD carry Zven showcased this skill by accumulating a jaw-dropping 946 CS over a 68-minute match against Origen. Breaking this record might prove challenging since most pro matches rarely reach the hour mark anymore.

These records stand as testaments to the incredible talent and skill of players in the LEC. While some of them may be challenging to surpass, the ever-evolving nature of esports ensures that new legends will continue to emerge.

League of Legends, LEC, esports, records, players, competitive gaming, Summoner’s Rift, G2 Esports, Rekkles, Phaxi, Kottenx, Zven