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Top League of Legends hotkeys and keybindings

Improve at League of Legends with the Best Keybinding and Hotkeys

Improving at League of Legends is easier than you think. One of the simplest ways to level up your gameplay is by utilizing the best keybindings and hotkeys. Many players don’t realize the full potential of their controls and miss out on important features. In this article, we’ll explore the most effective hotkeys and keybindings that every League player should be using to reach the top levels of competitive play.

1) Quick Casting

Quick casting is a feature that most League players are familiar with. It allows you to use your abilities instantly with the press of a key, without any indicators appearing on the screen. This is great for experienced players who know the exact damage radius of their abilities. However, it can be challenging for newer players or those trying out a new champion. To optimize quick casting, you can use hotkeys to show or hide ability indicators on the screen. Simply press Escape, go to the Hotkeys tab, and bind your abilities to Shift plus the corresponding key. This way, you can see the damage indicators by holding Shift, while still being able to quickly cast abilities by pressing the key separately.

2) Self Cast

During teamfights, you’ll often need to cast spells on yourself quickly. Clicking on your champion in the heat of the moment can be difficult. To make self-casting easier, simply hold the Alt key and click the key corresponding to the ability you want to use on yourself. This allows you to cast spells on yourself without moving the cursor away from the action.

3) Portrait Casting

An alternative way to cast abilities on allies is through portrait casting. If a teammate is in trouble and needs a quick heal, you can click on their portrait and press the key corresponding to the ability you want to cast on them.

4) Target Champions Only

Target Champions Only is one of the most important hotkeys for high-level League play. It allows you to focus on targeting enemy champions and avoid misclicking on minions. This option can be bound in the hotkeys settings tab.

5) Attack Moving

Attack moving is a crucial strategy for kiting enemies. To use it effectively, you’ll need to enable certain options. First, bind player attack move in the player movement dropdown of the hotkey settings. Then, go to the League interface settings and enable the option to show attack range. Finally, in the game settings, enable the option to attack move on cursor. This ensures that you target the closest enemy to your cursor, leading to more successful attacks.

6) Stop Key

The Stop key is often overlooked but can be very useful. It is automatically bound to the S key. Use it to minimize attack travel time when farming as a ranged champion or to quickly cancel your movement when an enemy appears.

7) Leveling up Abilities

Leveling up abilities quickly in combat can be challenging. To address this, the game has a default option that allows you to level up abilities by holding Ctrl and selecting the key of the ability you want to level up. Be sure to practice this every time you level up so that it becomes second nature in teamfights.

8) Right-click on the Shop

An important hidden feature in League is the ability to right-click on any item you’re buying to instantly add it to your inventory. This is faster than the standard double-click and allows you to spend less time in the fountain.

9) Camera Control

Using hotkeys, you can quickly move your camera to spectate teammates or organize potential lane ventures. To set this up, go to the Hotkeys tab in settings, then camera control, and remap the Select Ally options to the F1 to F4 keys. You can also select yourself by pressing the space bar.

Most Used League Keybinds

Here are some of the most commonly used keybinds in League of Legends:

  • Q: Use champion’s first ability.
  • W: Use champion’s second ability.
  • E: Use champion’s third ability.
  • R: Use champion’s ultimate ability.
  • Ctrl plus Q/W/E/R: Add an ability point to the corresponding ability.
  • Alt plus Q/W/E/R: Cast the corresponding ability on self.
  • Shift plus Q/W/E/R: Smart cast the corresponding ability.
  • A or X: Attack Move.
  • S: Stop Command.
  • J: Hold Command (Hold down to toggle).
  • D: Cast first Summoner spell.
  • F: Cast second Summoner spell.
  • 1 to 3 and 5 to 7: Use designated active ability items.
  • 4: Use trinket.
  • B: Recall.
  • Esc: Close current window.
  • G: Toggle alert ping cursor.
  • H: Toggle area is warded ping cursor.
  • Y: Toggle camera lock on champion.
  • Space: Center camera on champion (Hold down to toggle).

Learning and using these keybinds will greatly improve your gameplay and help you rank up faster in League of Legends this season!

League of Legends, keybinding, hotkeys, quick casting, self cast, portrait casting, target champions only, attack moving, stop key, leveling up abilities, right-click on the shop, camera control