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Top-rated katanas featured in Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077’s Best Katanas

The Byakko

The Byakko from Cyberpunk 2077. Screenshot by .

The Byakko is the top katana in Cyberpunk 2077, especially when paired with the right build. It has a quick swing rate, high damage output, and a 15% chance to cause bleeding. The real brilliance of this weapon lies in its perks that allow you to dash around and deliver quick strikes. After making a kill, you gain double attack speed, increased melee range, and the ability to dive at enemies. This dive allows you to chain attacks between opponents effortlessly, making it a great weapon for samurai-style gameplay. Depending on your perks, you can even regenerate health while on a killing spree. The Byakko can be obtained through the “Professional Widow” optional sidequest for Wakako Okada.

The Scalpel

The Scalpel from Cyberpunk 2077. Screenshot by .

The Scalpel is another great katana, especially when used with a bullet-time ninja build. It has high damage output and a 10% chance to inflict a shock status effect. Paired with a Sandevistan, your chances of critical hits increase by 50%, and the chances of causing bleeding increase by 100%. The Scalpel hits faster than most other blades, with five hits per second, and can apply different types of elemental damage. You can obtain this katana by completing the “Big in Japan” side job.

Best Katanas in Cyberpunk 2077: The Satori

The Satori from Cyberpunk 2077. Screenshot by .

The Satori is an older weapon in the game, but it packs a punch when you land a critical hit. Your damage is increased by 500% with a critical hit from the Satori, making it one of the most powerful hits you can deal. With the right perks and mods, you can be one-shotting opponents in no time. It’s perfect for a stealth ninja playstyle when combined with a high Cool stat. You can find the Satori in “The Heist” mission before exiting the hotel.

The Jinchu-Maru

The Jinchu Maru sword from Cyberpunk 2077. Screenshot by .

The Jinchu-Maru is a powerful katana that hits hard and has a good chance to penetrate opponents’ armor. When combined with the time-slowing device Kerenzikov, your critical hit chances increase by 100%. The Jinchu-Maru’s damage doubles against opponents with twice your health or more, making it an excellent choice for boss fights. The last strike of a combo deals double damage with this weapon. You can obtain the Jinchu-Maru in the Play it Safe storyline by eliminating the boss Sandayu Oda.

The Cocktail Stick

The Cocktail Stick from Cyberpunk 2077. Screenshot by .

The Cocktail Stick may appear weak and comically named, but it shouldn’t be underestimated. It has a 20% chance to cause bleeding damage and a 44% critical chance. What sets it apart is its increased dismemberment chance of 300%. Targeting opponents’ limbs with the Cocktail Stick can lead to gruesome dissections. You can obtain this weapon during the “Automatic Love” quest in the green room, right below a neon sign that says “bliss.”

The Tsumetogi

The Tsumetogi from Cyberpunk 2077. Screenshot by .

The Tsumetogi is not the best overall katana, but it excels under certain circumstances. It deals the most electrical damage, around 100, and has a 20% chance to cause shock damage. This makes it ideal for fighting robotic opponents. The Tsumetogi is incredibly fast, with five swings per second, and provides standard modifiers such as increased crit chance and crit damage. It can be obtained during the “Pisces” job by conducting a raid with NPC Judy Alvarez.

Cyberpunk 2077, katanas, Byakko, Scalpel, Satori, Jinchu-Maru, Cocktail Stick, Tsumetogi