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Top Counters for Zeri in League of Legends

Best Counters for Zeri in League of Legends

Zeri, a champion in League of Legends, is known for her late-game potential and ability to dominate teamfights. However, there are several champions that can counter her and shut her down. Here are some of the best Zeri counters in League of Legends, according to


Veigar is a great champion to counter Zeri due to his burst damage. With his W and R combo, he can easily take out Zeri. Additionally, Veigar’s Event Horizon (E) provides strong crowd control against the mobile Zeri. Veigar currently has the highest win rate against Zeri with 51.9 percent.


Vayne is not only a strong late-game AD carry, but she is also extremely mobile. Her kit allows her to eliminate enemies in one-vs-one situations, making her a good counter to Zeri. Vayne’s Condemn (E) is especially useful to impale Zeri and finish her off. The Night Hunter currently boasts a 49.52 percent win rate against the Spark of Zaun.


If you can’t crowd control Zeri, why not ambush her? Twitch can deal high damage and has enough range to take out Zeri quickly. His Contaminate (E) and Spray and Pray (R) combo are enough to delete Zeri before she can react. The Plague Rat currently has a 49.14 percent win rate against Zeri.


Draven is known for his early power spikes, which makes him a great counter to Zeri. He can bully Zeri in the laning phase, making her life miserable right from the beginning of the game. Draven currently has the highest gold difference at 15 minutes against Zeri (+704).


Similar to Draven, Kalista can dominate Zeri with the right support. She is mobile and can deal out damage even in the late game. Kalista currently has a 560 gold difference at 15 minutes, making her a strong counter to Zeri.

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Related keywords: Zeri, League of Legends, counters, Veigar, Vayne, Twitch, Draven, Kalista