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Top Counters for Janna in League of Legends

Best Counters for Janna Top Lane in League of Legends

Janna top lane has become the latest anomaly in the game. The strategy is simple – stay in your lane until level three, then join your jungler and wreak havoc on the other laners. Recent changes have made Janna one of the best champions in solo queue, but there are still some champions that can counter her. Let’s take a look at the best Janna top counters in League of Legends, according to


Rengar currently has the highest win rate against Janna top at 56.5%. His high burst damage allows him to eliminate Janna in teamfight situations, while also being a strong roaming champion. Players can respond to Janna’s aggression and push the top lane effectively.


Zeri, a hypercarry champion, currently holds a 55.56% win rate against Janna. With the open lane created by the matchup, Zeri can reach her power spike earlier and single-handedly carry teamfights past the 20-minute mark.


Yorick, often overlooked in counter lists, performs well against Janna top. When left alone, he scales well and can carry fights. Yorick currently has a 51.5% win rate against Janna.


Kayle is another late-game scaling champion who benefits from the open lane. She can reach her power spike faster and easily push towers. Kayle currently has a 50.77% win rate against Janna.


Playing against a fed Yone is already tough, and he can carry the game on his own. With quick item builds and farm, Yone currently has a 49.88% win rate against Janna.