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Top 7 Most Challenging Abilities to Evade in League of Legends

In League of Legends, knowing the enemy champion abilities is crucial for success. However, certain abilities are harder to dodge than others. In this article, we will discuss the most difficult abilities to avoid in the game.

The Importance of The Dodge and The Sidestep

Champion abilities are essential for damage output in the game. Dodging or sidestepping these abilities can help you survive duels against opponents. It is crucial to learn how to avoid abilities and take evasive action when necessary.

Hard to Dodge Abilities

Despite taking precautions and positioning yourself safely, some abilities require extra care to avoid effectively. Here are some of the most challenging abilities to dodge:

Vel’Koz Q

Top 7 Most Challenging Abilities to Evade in League of Legends

Vel’Koz is a highly technical champion with skillshot abilities. His Q, Plasma Fission, is his most dangerous ability. The ability can be launched at various angles and splits into two projectiles, making it difficult to dodge. Having a good understanding of geometry is crucial when facing a skilled Vel’Koz player.

Viktor E

Top 7 Most Challenging Abilities to Evade in League of Legends

Viktor’s E, Death Ray, is a fast-paced ability that deals high damage. The ability becomes even more potent when Viktor’s passive, Augment, upgrades it. Dodging Viktor’s E can be challenging due to its speed and damage output.

Xerath R

Top 7 Most Challenging Abilities to Evade in League of Legends

Xerath’s ultimate, Rite of the Arcane, is an annoying ability to dodge. It immobilizes Xerath but allows him to unleash long-range projectiles that damage enemies severely. The generous hitbox and the speed of the projectiles make it difficult to avoid, especially in the middle of a team fight.

Blitzcrank Q

Top 7 Most Challenging Abilities to Evade in League of Legends

Blitzcrank’s Q, Rocket Grab, is known for its ability to hook opponents. The fast-paced nature of the ability and the element of surprise make it difficult to predict and dodge. Once caught by Blitzcrank’s Q, you are vulnerable to his other abilities.

Kai’sa W

Top 7 Most Challenging Abilities to Evade in League of Legends

Kai’sa’s W, Void Seeker, is a fast-paced, long-range projectile that deals high damage. Unless you are at the very edges of the ability’s range, it is challenging to dodge, especially when Kai’sa builds ability power and upgrades her W.

Swain E

Top 7 Most Challenging Abilities to Evade in League of Legends

Swain’s E, Nevermove, is slower compared to other abilities on this list. However, its unique characteristics make it difficult to dodge. The ability returns to Swain and can pull enemies back to him if desired.

Illaoi Q

Top 7 Most Challenging Abilities to Evade in League of Legends

Illaoi’s Q, Tentacle Smash, is particularly challenging to dodge due to its hitbox and range. The ability synergizes with her passive and spawns tentacles that deal damage. Judging the ability when new to the game can be difficult.


While all abilities are important in the game, some are more difficult to avoid than others. Dodging these abilities requires skill and quick thinking. Share your perspectives on the hardest skillshots to dodge in the comments. Also, check out our article on the best defensive abilities in League of Legends.