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The 8 Champions with the Highest Toxicity in League of Legends

League of Legends is a game with its fair share of toxic champions. These champions can be frustrating to play against and often make the game experience less enjoyable for others. In this article, we will discuss some of the most toxic champions in League of Legends and why they are hated by the community.

Toxic Champions:

One champion that is universally hated is Seraphine. While her abilities are often compared to Sona, it is her lack of meaningful lore and her forced inclusion as a pop star that makes her despised by many. People have mixed feelings about her and either find her boring or appreciate her for bringing something new to the game. Despite the controversy, Seraphine is a strong support that offers great sustain and damage potential.

Vayne is another champion that is often considered toxic. She is a late-game hyper carry who can deal burst damage and is incredibly mobile. While she does have counters and a weak laning phase, a skilled Vayne player can quickly turn the tide of a game and make it difficult for opponents to deal with her.

Malzahar is known for being one of the most toxic champions in League of Legends. He has excellent wave-clearing abilities and can stay safe while dealing high damage. His ultimate ability is particularly oppressive and can easily secure kills. Dealing with Malzahar often requires teamwork and crowd control abilities.

Fizz is a highly mobile assassin known for his burst damage. He excels at diving deep into enemy lines and taking out squishy targets. Fizz’s kit is often criticized for being too strong and requiring little skill to play effectively.

Yasuo is a highly debated champion in the League community. His ability to dash through and negate skillshots, while also dealing high damage, makes him frustrating to play against. Many players find his kit unbalanced and believe that he needs further adjustments.

Yone, the brother of Yasuo, is also considered toxic. He is a strong mid laner with the ability to create strong combos and airborne enemies. Yone’s versatile kit makes him a formidable opponent in the hands of skilled players.

Master Yi is known for his high DPS and ability to stay safe from projectiles. He has a high skill cap, but in the right hands, can be incredibly difficult to deal with. Lower-ranked players often struggle against him, which leads to frustration and a desire to ban him.

Teemo, despite his cute appearance, is universally despised for his annoying abilities. His blind and trap-based playstyle make him irritating to play against. Teemo’s unique strengths and weaknesses make him a toxic champion that requires careful counterplay.


In conclusion, these toxic champions in League of Legends are despised by the community for various reasons. Whether it’s because of their annoying abilities, lack of counterplay, or unbalanced kits, these champions can make the game experience less enjoyable for others. It is important to understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to effectively play against them and minimize frustration.