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Top 5 Tank Supports in League of Legends

League of Legends has a variety of support champions, but which ones are the best tanks? Professional teams understand the importance of having a tanky support on their roster. In this article, we will discuss the top five tank supports in League of Legends and what sets them apart.

1. Alistar

Alistar is a powerhouse in the league. His crowd control abilities are excellent for locking down opponents and providing peel for the ADC. One popular strategy is “The Bushwhack,” where Alistar uses Unbreakable Will to enhance his Headbutt into a Pulverize combo. While he isn’t a damage dealer, his ability to peel for his team makes up for it, especially in lower ELO games where players may not capitalize on a lack of peel.

2. Taric

Taric offers a tanky and bursty playstyle in the support role. He excels at disrupting team fights with his reliable stun, Shield of Daybreak. This ability can be used by expert players to counter champions like Willump or Jarvan. Taric’s Shatter ability allows him to dominate early trades against melee supports. While he may not scale as well as other options, his ability to counter aggressive melee supports gives him an advantage against ranged supports.

3. Thresh

Thresh is a versatile support with no major weaknesses. His Death Sentence ability alone can change the tide of a fight when used effectively. Thresh has excellent engage and disengage potential with his lantern, allowing for great flexibility in team fights. While not the tankiest support on this list, Thresh’s well-rounded kit makes him one of the best options.

4. Leona

Leona is known for her ease of use in high-elo play. She has plenty of crowd control and early-game damage, making her dominate in lower ELO games if used by mechanically skilled players. However, Leona’s impact tends to diminish in the late game, as she lacks significant peel potential. Her Eclipse ability can provide some protection, but it lacks damage, making it less effective for protecting AD carries who aren’t fed.

5. Braum

Braum is a tank support with strong engage potential. His Stand Behind Me ability allows him to be a frontline champion for his team’s carries, while Unbreakable blocks incoming crowd control. Glacial Fissure provides excellent zone control, making it easy to set up kills. Braum also has good disengage with Winter’s Bite and Concussive Blows, making him strong in counter-engages. While he may not excel in any specific area, Braum’s versatility and ability to dominate lower ELO games make him one of the best tank supports.

In conclusion, these five champions (Alistar, Taric, Thresh, Leona, and Braum) are considered the best tank supports in League of Legends. Remember that each champion has different strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that suits your playstyle and team composition best.