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Top 5 Support Champions for Caitlyn in League of Legends

League of Legends’ animated series Arcane has led to a rise in Caitlyn’s popularity. She boasts an impressive ADC range and a powerful ult that can finish off surviving enemies. Her long-range capabilities make her a great peeling champion, and her traps and E ability add to her self-peeling potential.

Caitlyn’s traps are her key outplay tool. They are easy to place when playing with a support that can root enemies or impair their movement speed. Let’s explore some excellent CC support champions that can engage or enchant Caitlyn.

1. Morgana

Morgana is the queen of long-lasting roots. Her Q ability can root enemies for a significant amount of time, making her a perfect pair with Caitlyn. She can also cast her black shield on Caitlyn for additional peeling.

Best item for Morgana: Everfrost

Everfrost extends Morgana’s crowd control durations and provides bonus ability power for every legendary item she builds.

Different playstyle for each phase:

Early Game Playstyle: Morgana’s Q is a threat, making enemies wary. She and Caitlyn can play aggressively, using their traps and abilities to deal burst damage and secure kills.

Mid Game Playstyle: Morgana should build mobility boots to catch enemies off guard with her Q. Both Morgana and Caitlyn can roam different lanes easily, thanks to Morgana’s crowd control.

Late Game Playstyle: With Zhonya’s Hourglass, Morgana can initiate fights and cast her ultimate. She should be the one to initiate kills for Caitlyn.

2. Lux

Lux’s roots and burst potential make her an excellent partner for Caitlyn. She can also transition into a mage carry in the late game while acting as a support to protect Caitlyn.

Best item for Lux: Luden’s Tempest

Luden’s Tempest provides Lux with bonus mana and allows her to cast abilities without worrying about running out of mana.

Different playstyle for each phase:

Early Game Playstyle: Lux excels as a poke support in the early game. Her abilities can secure early game kills for Caitlyn.

Mid Game Playstyle: Lux’s burst combo is lethal in the mid game. She can help Caitlyn secure kills and snowball until the late game.

Late Game Playstyle: With great poke and finisher abilities, Caitlyn and Lux can easily siege towers in the late game. They should play aggressively and take down towers whenever there are no significant objectives.

3. Leona

Leona is a champion with excellent engagement potential, making her a great support for Caitlyn. Her CC abilities and tankiness provide ample protection for Caitlyn.

Best item for Leona: Zeke’s Convergence

Zeke’s Convergence slows enemies after Leona’s CC combo, providing extra crowd control and bonus magic damage for Caitlyn.

Different playstyle for each phase:

Early Game Playstyle: Leona can play defensively or offensively depending on the bot lane matchup. She can either zone enemies away from minion range or play defensively and wait for opportunities.

Mid Game Playstyle: Once Leona acquires mobility and tanky items, she can easily engage enemies and provide extended CC for Caitlyn’s traps.

Late Game Playstyle: Leona can act as a tank and peel for Caitlyn. She should initiate fights and use her ultimate to stun multiple champions.

4. Blitzcrank

Despite Caitlyn’s long-range playstyle, Blitzcrank is an excellent support for her. His hooks and knock-ups can guarantee the proc of Caitlyn’s traps, and he provides great initiation and peel.

Best item for Blitzcrank: Turbo Chemtank

Turbo Chemtank replaces mobility boots and helps Blitzcrank engage enemies with ease.

Different playstyle for each phase:

Early Game Playstyle: Gain control over the bushes and use Blitzcrank’s hooks for kills. Caitlyn can place her traps in front of Blitzcrank to ensure burst damage.

Mid Game Playstyle: Roam and use Blitzcrank’s hooks to secure kills and help Caitlyn push lanes.

Late Game Playstyle: Utilize Blitzcrank’s hooks to secure picks and initiate team fights.

5. Lulu

Lulu is a versatile champion that offers damage, utility, and peeling for Caitlyn. She can be an excellent support regardless of Caitlyn’s build or playstyle.

Best item for Lulu: Moonstone Renewer

Moonstone Renewer synergizes with Lulu’s abilities and provides healing for prolonged team fights.

Different playstyle for each phase:

Early Game Playstyle: Poke and zone enemies with Lulu’s abilities, utilizing her shields and harass potential.

Mid Game Playstyle: Lulu is a strong engagement champion in the mid game. She can speed up Caitlyn and provide peel with her ult and item build.

Late Game Playstyle: Play defensively and focus on providing utility and shields to Caitlyn. Let Caitlyn do the damage and engage while Lulu supports from the backline.

In conclusion, Caitlyn can benefit from a variety of support champions. Each support has its own playstyle and item build that complements Caitlyn’s strengths. Adapt your playstyle based on the enemy team composition and take advantage of the unique abilities and synergies between Caitlyn and her support.