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Strategies for Playing from Behind in LoL

If there’s one thing that’s frustrating in League of Legends (LoL), it’s playing a losing lane. It often feels like there’s nothing to do but wait for a miracle or for your team to surrender. However, there are still opportunities to make good moves and improve your chances of winning, even if it doesn’t guarantee victory. Here are some essential tips that can benefit players of any rank, with a focus on mentality and practical strategies.

How to Win in Losing Lanes (The Mentality)

Having a positive mentality is crucial in climbing the ranks. It’s about looking at things in a positive light, focusing on the game, and making the best possible plays. A negative mindset can be detrimental, leading to frustration and blame towards others. On the other hand, embracing a positive mindset helps to shift focus towards improvement and making the most of every situation.

How to Play Losing Solo Lane

Losing a solo lane is inevitable at times, but there are strategies to minimize the impact and potentially turn it in your favor:

– Play safe: This means staying at a safe distance, farming carefully, and avoiding risky engagements.
– Ask for ganks: Request assistance from the jungler to turn the tide of the lane.
– Take your piece of the pie: When the enemy makes plays elsewhere, look for opportunities to gain value in different areas, such as taking objectives or pressuring other lanes.

How to Play From Behind as Jungler

Being behind as a jungler can be challenging, but the law of equivalent exchange can help you regain control:

– For every objective taken by the enemy, there is an opportunity for you to take an objective on the opposite side of the map.
– Avoid confrontations with the enemy jungler if they’re significantly ahead.
– Focus on other objectives and areas where you can create an impact.

Playing the Late Game From Behind

In the late game, it’s crucial to play safe and avoid unnecessary risks. Defending and protecting objectives without risking lives is key. Eventually, the enemy will make mistakes, and you can capitalize on them to level the playing field.

Playing from behind is challenging, but it’s not impossible to turn the game around. Maintaining a positive mindset, employing practical strategies, and capitalizing on opportunities can lead to a comeback. Remember, every detail matters in League of Legends.


Playing from behind is tough, but it’s important to have a positive mindset and focus on improvement. There are practical steps to take, such as playing safe, requesting ganks, and capitalizing on opportunities as a laner, or focusing on other objectives as a jungler. Remember, comebacks are possible, so stay focused and seize your chances to turn the game in your favor.