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Tips for laning against Renekton

How to Counter Renekton: A Guide for Top Laners

Renekton is a dominant top laner known for his ability to win one-on-one skirmishes and snowball the game. However, with the right counter pick and some basic mechanics, you can easily shut down Renekton and make him useless late-game.


When facing Renekton, it’s important to choose a champion that can win short trades. Avoid champions like Yone, Sion, or Gwen, as they are weak in the early game and can easily be stopped by a knowledgeable Renekton player. Instead, opt for champions like Urgot or Garen who can handle his pressure. Poppy is also an excellent counter pick due to her ability to nullify Renekton’s combos with her W skill.

Long Trades, Short Trades, or Sustain? – Rune Setup

The right rune setup can greatly enhance your chances of winning against Renekton. For champions that can sustain his damage, runes like Conqueror and Bone Plating are recommended. Champions like Garen or Teemo can benefit from using Press The Attack. Tanks like Ornn or Cho’Gath should use Grasp of the Undying and Unflinching from the Resolve tree and Legend: Tenacity from the Precision tree.

Healing Reduction Is Key! – Build Path

Building items with healing reduction is crucial when facing Renekton. Start by purchasing a healing reduction item that applies the Grievous Wounds effect, such as Executioner’s Calling or Mortal Reminder. After reducing his healing, focus on building your core items based on your champion’s needs.

Know The Playstyle – Combos & Cooldowns

Understanding Renekton’s playstyle, combos, and cooldowns is essential in countering him. He is strongest during levels 1-3, 6, and after completing his second item. Avoid engaging him when he’s about to level up or if you are at a disadvantage. Renekton’s basic combo is E> W> Q> E, so keeping your distance and staying out of his ability range is key to winning.

Communicate With Your Jungler – Lane Ganks

Your jungler can play a vital role in helping you win against Renekton. Coordinate with your jungler for lane ganks when Renekton engages on you and exhausts his E charges. This will give you an opportunity to team up against him and prevent his escape. Take advantage of his weak period when his abilities are on cooldown.

Stopping His Passive’s Fury Build

To limit Renekton’s trading potential, prevent him from gaining fury. Deny him last hits on minions and freeze the wave if possible. If you are unable to stop him, play defensively under your turret until his fury dies down.


Renekton relies heavily on self-healing and lacks defensive items. Use crowd control abilities to stun him before he can trade or dash out. Coordinating with your jungler to stun-lock him can lead to successful ganks.

Playing For The Late Game

If you are unable to win trades or the laning phase against Renekton, focus on playing for the late game. Farm under turret, adjust your item build path, and aim to out-scale him in team fights. Focus on preventing Renekton from snowballing and avoid feeding him kills.


Although Renekton is a strong top laner, you can effectively counter him with the right strategies. Counter-pick, understand his playstyle, communicate with your jungler, and focus on the late game. By following these tips, you’ll be able to handle Renekton and turn the tides in your favor.