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How to Successfully Climb Out of Silver? – The Ultimate Guide to Climbing

Climbing in League of Legends is a challenging task, especially when it comes to reaching the top from the Silver Division. In this article, we will explore what it takes to overcome the challenges of Silver division and climb higher. We will also discuss the best champions to use in Silver to improve your chances of success.

1. Focus on Teamplay

In Silver, individual performance takes a backseat to teamwork. It’s crucial to integrate yourself within the team and cooperate with your allies. Good team cohesion is key to success in Silver and beyond. While there may be the occasional standout player, most games will require a collective effort to win. So, focus on improving your teamplay skills to have a smoother climb.

2. Enhance Communication

Communication plays a vital role in higher ranks, including Silver. It’s important to exchange information with your team and maintain good communication throughout the game. Lack of communication can lead to a breakdown in team cohesion and make it easier for the enemy to exploit your weaknesses. So, keep a positive attitude and communicate effectively with your team, even when faced with toxic players.

3. Map Awareness

As you climb higher, players become more unpredictable. Developing good map awareness will give you an advantage by allowing you to anticipate enemy movements and plan your strategies accordingly. Pay attention to the map to track the movements of both your allies and enemies. This will help you make better decisions and adapt your positioning accordingly, leading to greater success in Silver.

4. Avoid and Punish Overextension

Overextension is a common mistake that players make, and it becomes more prevalent as you climb higher. In Silver, it’s essential to be mindful of overextending and to punish your opponents when they make this mistake. By avoiding overextension and taking advantage of your enemies’ mistakes, you can gain a significant advantage in lane and increase your chances of winning games.

5. Always be a Step Ahead

Thinking ahead and being proactive is crucial in Silver. Anticipate the enemy’s moves and plan your strategies accordingly. By staying one step ahead, you can outsmart your opponents and make informed decisions that give you the upper hand. This proactive mindset will serve you well as you continue to climb and face more challenging opponents.

Best Champions to Use in Silver

While there are many champions to choose from, three champions stand out as particularly strong picks in Silver:

1. Jax: Jax is a versatile champion with excellent dueling potential and split pushing capabilities. He can carry games and has the ability to solo kill enemies when played effectively.

2. Yasuo: Yasuo requires more mechanical skill but can be a dominant force in the game when mastered. He can carry games with his strong damage output and ability to roam and help other lanes.

3. Kha’Zix: Kha’Zix is an assassin jungler who excels at picking off enemies one by one. His ability to isolate and eliminate targets makes him a lethal threat in Silver.


While the recommended champions focus on top lane and jungle, it’s important to consider the roles of support and ADC as well. Champions like Karma, Lulu, Ezreal, and Kai’Sa are strong picks in their respective positions. Regardless of the champion you choose, remember to focus on teamwork, communicate effectively, develop good map awareness, avoid overextension, and stay one step ahead of your opponents. Good luck on your climb through Silver!