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The Top 10 Most Resilient Champions in League of Legends Season 12

Tanks play a crucial role in League of Legends matches, with champions like Nasus, Darius, and Rammus becoming unstoppable when they get ahead early on. They offer various roles that can help you climb the ranks quickly. In this article, we will discuss the best tank champions in League of Legends Season 12.

10. Amumu
Amumu is an excellent tank champion that roams the Jungle and looks for gank opportunities. He has a set of abilities that allow him to sustain damage and engage in team fights. His ultimate ability can stun all five enemies, giving your team a significant advantage.

9. Leona
Leona is the best tank support in the game. She has a strong set of abilities and is unstoppable when equipped with the right items. Her main goal is to protect her ADC and win the lane quickly. Her abilities allow her to stun enemies, making it easier for her ADC to secure kills.

8. Nautilus
Nautilus is an entertaining tank support champion similar to Leona. He can root and stun enemies and has a shield to block incoming damage. While he can be built with AP, it’s best to build him as a tank in ranked games.

7. Rammus
Rammus is one of the best tank Jungle champions in League of Legends. He has high armor and magic resistance, allowing him to block and deflect incoming damage. His abilities, including his ultimate that slows enemies, make him a formidable force on the battlefield.

6. Rell
Rell is a support tank champion known for draining the opponent’s armor and magic resistance. She can stun enemies, deal damage, reduce defenses, and heal herself and her teammates. While she has a learning curve, with enough practice, she can be a dangerous opponent.

5. Sion
Sion is a lethal tank champion who can knock up enemies and drain their health. His abilities scale over time, making him stronger as the game progresses. His ultimate ability allows him to charge forward, knocking up and dealing damage to multiple enemies.

4. Cho’Gath
Cho’Gath is a tank champion who deals magic damage and can grow in size to become a formidable presence. He can knock enemies up, silence them, and even eat them with his ultimate ability.

3. Shen
Shen offers protection to his team with a shield and the ability to block incoming damage. He can teleport to allies in trouble and assist them with their problems. He excels as both a top laner and support.

2. Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo has a passive spell shield that protects him from crowd control and some ability attacks. His abilities, including a slow and an ultimate that grants bonus movement speed and heals him, make him a strong top laner and jungler.

1. Nasus
Nasus is a top lane champion who becomes stronger as the game progresses. He can stack his Q ability to deal bonus physical damage, and his ultimate ability gives him bonus health, increased damage, and more resistance. These abilities make him a deadly force in the late game.

These tank champions provide durability and offer excellent winning chances for your team. It’s important to include a tank champion in your team composition to increase your chances of success.