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Comparison of Zombie Ward, Eyeball Collection, and Ghost Poro (2022 Update)

Zombie Ward vs. Eyeball Collection vs. Ghost Poro: A Comparison

When it comes to the tracking part in Domination, you have three choices: Zombie Ward, Eyeball Collection, and Ghost Poro. Each of them helps you gain knowledge about your enemies’ positions and offers bonus AD/AP. In this guide, we’ll compare all three and determine which one is best for you. Stay with us till the end!

Zombie Ward

Comparison of Zombie Ward, Eyeball Collection, and Ghost Poro (2022 Update)

With Zombie Ward, you gain vision when you destroy an enemy ward within 10 seconds of damaging it. Each spawned Zombie Ward grants you a bonus of 1.2 AD or 2 AP, stacking up to 10. At max stacks, you’ll receive an additional 6 AD or 10 AP. These wards last for 120 seconds, cover 900 units, and don’t count towards your ward limit. While they can be destroyed easily, they provide valuable vision in key areas.

Eyeball Collection

Comparison of Zombie Ward, Eyeball Collection, and Ghost Poro (2022 Update)

Eyeball Collection grants bonus AD and AP when you score a takedown on an enemy champion. You collect one Eyeball per takedown, with a maximum of 10 stacks. Each Eyeball adds 1.2 AD or 2 AP, and at 10 stacks, you’ll receive 6 AD or 10 AP. While similar to Zombie Ward, the key difference is that you need champion takedowns instead of destroying wards to gain the bonuses.

Ghost Poro

Comparison of Zombie Ward, Eyeball Collection, and Ghost Poro (2022 Update)

Ghost Poro spawns when wards expire and provides vision over 450 units for 90 seconds. If an enemy champion triggers a Ghost Poro, it alerts your team by revealing a 150 radius around them for 6 seconds. Like the previous choices, Ghost Poro grants 1.2 AD or 2 AP per spawned Poro and at max stacks, an additional 6 AD or 10 AP. While it provides less vision, it offers the advantage of detecting nearby enemies even without direct vision.

Head-to-Head Comparison

Choosing the right rune depends on your situation. If wards aren’t crucial or your jungler clears them effectively, Zombie Ward may not be useful. Eyeball Collection is ideal for champions relying on kills, while Ghost Poro benefits mid-laners and early-game vision control. Comparing the three, Zombie Ward offers the most vision, Eyeball Collection relies on kills, and Ghost Poro warns of nearby enemies without direct vision.


All three choices provide vision and bonus AD/AP, but their stacking mechanics and utility differ. Consider your playstyle and the game situation when choosing. We hope this guide helps you make the right decision and improve your gameplay. Stay safe and happy gaming!