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The League community is becoming more divided than anticipated by Aatrox’s update

Aatrox Update Sparks Heated Debates Among League of Legends Fans

League of Legends fans are known for their passion and dedication to the game. So, it’s no surprise that the recent Aatrox update has sparked intense debates and discussions among players. However, these reactions have been some of the most negative and divisive we’ve seen in a long time.

If you’ve been active in the League Reddit community, you’ve probably come across the numerous posts defending or condemning the Aatrox update. These posts, with over 3,000 upvotes each, have become battlegrounds for fans with differing opinions on the rework.

The Good and the Bad

On one hand, there are players who argue that the old Aatrox was fundamentally broken and that the new update couldn’t possibly be worse to play. Others claim that the new Aatrox feels clunky, unrhythmic, and unsatisfying. The truth lies somewhere in between.

The old Aatrox was undeniably flawed. He relied solely on the power of his basic attacks, making him either incredibly strong or completely irrelevant depending on his stats and the meta. This binary nature was not ideal for a champion.

However, the new Aatrox does have its issues. The rhythm of his kit feels strange, and the pauses between casts of his Q slow down the gameplay. The dash, while adding some mobility, feels less smooth and controlled compared to similar abilities. Thematically, his Q doesn’t quite live up to the image of a powerful, hulking demon.

In Need of Polish

While the update was necessary, it’s clear that the new Aatrox could benefit from some adjustments. It feels incomplete and lacking in certain areas. We hope that Riot Games will take another look at it and consider making further improvements, even if they ultimately decide not to take any action.

Overall, the Aatrox update has ignited passionate discussions within the League of Legends community, showcasing the dedication and investment players have in the game.

League of Legends, Aatrox update, passionate debates, negative reactions, clunky gameplay, needed improvements.