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T1’s Head Coach Polt Accuses Map Side Selection for Loss in MSI 2022 Finals

2022 Mid-Season Invitational: Royal Never Give Up Takes the Title

Royal Never Give Up emerged victorious in the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational after an intense showdown against T1. In a post-match press conference, T1’s head coach, Choi “Polt” Seong-hun, attributed the loss to map side selection.

According to Polt, teams that chose the blue side had an advantage and emerged as the winners. T1 trained extensively for the red side but struggled to adapt to the strengths of the blue side.

Blue Side Dominance at MSI 2022

During MSI 2022, the blue side of the map had a win rate of 53%, as reported by Games of Legends. This surpasses the playoff win rates in the four major regions, making it the highest win rate on the blue side for this year’s MSI.

T1’s Loss Explained

An additional question was posed to Polt regarding T1’s loss to RNG. He expressed his belief that the entire team performed exceptionally well in the finals. However, their inability to perform effectively on the blue side in three matches ultimately led to their defeat.

T1 pushed RNG to the fifth and final game of the MSI 2022 finals. However, RNG showcased superior teamwork and aggression, securing multiple advantages in the early game and clinching victory in just over 25 minutes.

Mid-Season Invitational, esports, Royal Never Give Up, T1, Choi “Polt” Seong-hun, map side selection, blue side dominance, Games of Legends, MSI 2022 finals