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Strategies for Successfully Carrying a Losing Team as a Tank

Carrying a losing team as a tank in League of Legends can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. In this guide, we’ll show you how to carry your team to victory even when you’re behind.

Prioritize Your Items

Building the right items is crucial when playing a tank. Instead of following a set pattern, adapt your item build to counter the enemy team. If they have fed AP champions, build magic resist items. If they have a fed AD champion, prioritize physical damage resist items. Adjusting your build to match the enemy’s strengths will make you more effective in fights.

Additionally, make Thornmail or rush Bramble Vest if the enemy team has a lot of healing champions. This will reduce their healing and help your team secure kills more easily.

Peel For Your Squishies

As a tank, your primary job is to peel for your team. If your ADC is fed, prioritize protecting them so they can deal damage safely. Alternatively, you can act as a frontline for your team and soak up damage from the enemy. Adapt your positioning based on your team’s needs and make sure to prioritize protecting your ADC in teamfights.

Use Your CC Wisely

Some tanks have crowd control abilities that can turn the tide of a fight. Use your CC wisely to disable enemy champions, especially if they are fed. This will give your team an advantage in teamfights and help secure kills or render enemies useless for a few seconds. Champions like Leona, Sejuani, Ornn, Maokai, and Sion excel at keeping the enemy in place while your team does the damage.

Don’t Be Afraid of Dying

As a tank, dying for your team can sometimes be necessary. Sacrificing yourself in teamfights can divert the enemy’s attention and allow your teammates to deal damage. While it’s important to stay alive to tank in future fights, don’t hesitate to make the sacrifice if it benefits your team. A negative KDA doesn’t matter if you’ve helped your team secure victory.

Stick With Your Team

Always stick with your team as a tank instead of splitpushing. Your lack of damage makes it difficult to clear waves quickly, and splitting up can leave your team vulnerable to engages. Communicate with your team when you need to leave to another lane or buy items to ensure they stay safe. Being with your team during teamfights is essential for protecting your squishy champions and turning the game in your favor.