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Mastering the Art of Winning Every Trade in League of Legends

Trading is an important part of League of Legends. It involves fighting your enemy laner without the intention to kill. The goal is to deal as much damage as possible and then disengage. It’s important to assess whether you will win the trade before committing to it.

Winning a trade means coming out of the fight with more health than your opponent. This sets you up for a kill in the future and creates an opportunity for your jungler. Trading is different from poking because it involves using all of your abilities and taking damage.

There are several factors to consider when trading. Wave management plays a crucial role, especially in the early laning phase. You need to assess the number and type of minions in both waves. Having a larger wave can give you an advantage in a trade. It’s also important to pay attention to your opponent’s sustain and tankiness.

In addition to wave management, you should also consider your resources. This includes your mana, health, and potions. Knowing your opponent’s resources can give you an advantage in a trade. Using potions during a trade can help you gain an edge.

Cooldowns are another important factor to consider. If your opponent’s key abilities are on cooldown, it may be a good time to engage. Pay attention to gap-closing or escape abilities as well.

Jungle tracking is crucial to avoid being ganked during a trade. Knowing the location of the enemy jungler and other potential roamers can help you make informed decisions.

Lastly, understanding the matchup is important. Some champions are counters to others, and it’s important to know how to play against them. Learning from your own mistakes and watching experienced players can help you improve.

In conclusion, knowing when to trade and when to disengage is essential in League of Legends. By considering factors such as wave management, resources, cooldowns, jungle tracking, and matchups, you can increase your chances of winning trades and ultimately winning your lanes.