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SKT triumphs over Griffin for their seventh LCK championship

SK Telecom T1 Dominates Griffin in LCK Spring Finals

SK Telecom T1 emerged victorious in a thrilling 3-0 sweep against Griffin in the highly-anticipated League of Legends (LoL) LCK Spring Finals. This win marks SKT’s seventh LCK championship and secures their spot at this year’s Mid-Season Invitational. On the other hand, Griffin will have to regroup and aim for their first championship in the future.

Game 1: A Comeback for SKT

Griffin started strong in the first game with an early lead and a burst of kills. However, SKT turned the tides around with a decisive teamfight at the third Infernal Drake, regaining their momentum. SKT secured crucial objectives and ultimately destroyed Griffin’s Nexus, claiming a 1-0 lead.

Game 2: SKT’s Control

In the second game, SKT showcased their dominance from the start. With strategic kills and impressive map control, they steadily pushed Griffin into a dire situation. By the 20-minute mark, Griffin was significantly behind in gold, turrets, and kills. SKT secured another victory after overwhelming Griffin in a teamfight.

Game 3: SKT’s Reign Continues

Griffin attempted a comeback in the third game, but SKT thwarted their efforts. Despite Griffin’s determination and aggressive playstyle, SKT consistently built advantages in fights and across the map. With a sizable gold lead and the casters already predicting their victory, SKT wiped out Griffin in a final teamfight, securing the 2019 LCK Spring Split championship.

By winning the LCK championship, SKT secures a spot in the Mid-Season Invitational in Vietnam. They eagerly await the results of Super Saturday, where TSM and Team Liquid will battle in the LCS, Fnatic and Origen will duel in the LEC, and JD Gaming awaits the winner of Topsports Gaming and Invictus Gaming in the LPL finals.

SK Telecom T1, Griffin, League of Legends, LCK Spring Finals, Mid-Season Invitational, game analysis, championship, Super Saturday, LCS, LEC, LPL.