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Rogue allegedly initiates LEC offseason by making a top lane exchange following underwhelming 2024 Winter Split

Rogue allegedly initiates LEC offseason by making a top lane exchange following underwhelming 2024 Winter Split

Rogue Considering Roster Changes After Missing Playoffs

Rogue, a team in the League of Legends European Championship (LEC), is contemplating roster adjustments following their failure to qualify for the 2024 LEC Winter Playoffs.

Finn Set to Join Rogue

According to Alejandro Gomis, an esports journalist, Rogue is reportedly replacing their current top laner, Szygenda, with former Astralis top laner, Finn. This will be Finn’s second stint with Rogue, having been a part of the organization from 2019 to 2020. It is believed that Finn will be the only roster change for Rogue in the upcoming Spring Split.