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Preseason Brings Exciting Changes for Mages, AD Carries, and Enchanters in LoL

Riot Games Announces Exciting Changes for League of Legends Preseason

On Aug. 28, Riot Games made a major announcement about the upcoming changes in League of Legends. In addition to removing Mythic items and introducing another ranked split, they also revealed the return of Nexus Blitz. But that’s not all—Rioters have shared more details about the changes for mages, AD carries, and enchanters.

Preseason 14: Changes for AD Carries, Mages, and Enchanters

After the announcement, fans eagerly discussed the changes on League’s subreddit. Riot Yasuna posted on August 28, revealing that preseason 14 will bring exciting updates for AD carries, mages, and enchanters.

Improvements to Crit Stat

One significant change coming in preseason is to the critical strike stat. Riot Yasuna stated, “We’re aware that crit feels odd right now, and we’re looking into it for seasonal changes.”

Addressing Issues with AD Carries and Mages

The critical strike stat has been problematic since its rework in preseason 2021. Patch 13.10 only made things worse with heavy nerfs for all marksman champions. This unbalanced the game, leaving AD carries vulnerable to being one-shot by almost any champion, including Alistar.

On the other hand, mages will have more itemization options and better build paths in preseason 2024. Whether burst, DPS, battle, or artillery mages, all types will benefit from these changes. Although specific details weren’t provided, more information will be shared in the coming months.

Changes for Enchanters and Promising Future

As for support mages, or enchanters, Riot hinted at upcoming changes, but no further details were revealed. However, they assured that more information will be shared soon.

Overall, these changes are highly anticipated, as Riot has focused primarily on bruisers and assassins in recent patches. It’s exciting to see attention being given to other roles. More details will be revealed as we approach preseason 2024, but the changes so far look promising.

Related League of Legends, Preseason 14, Riot Games, Changes, AD Carries, Mages, Enchanters, Critical Strike Stat